译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Virgin Galactic spaceship test flight ends in fatal crash, one pilot killed

MOJAVE, California: A suborbital passenger spaceship being developed by Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic company crashed during a test flight on Friday near the Mojave Air and Space Port in California, killing one pilot and seriously injuring the other, officials said.

The crash of the vehicle, undergoing its first powered test flight since January over the Mojave Desert, 95 miles (150km) north of Los Angeles, came days after another private space company, Orbital Sciences Corp, lost a rocket in an explosion moments after liftoff in Virginia.

The back-to-back accidents dealt a considerable blow to the fledgling commercial space launch industry, which has been taking on more work traditionally done by the US government while expanding for-profit space markets, including tourism.

Television footage of the Virgin Galactic crash site showed wreckage of the spacecraft lying in two large pieces on the ground, and the company said the spacecraft was destroyed. Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood said a debris field was spread over more than a mile.
坠毁现场的电视画面显示航天器的两大残骸散落在地上。维珍银河公司称航天器已经被摧毁。克恩县长官Donny Youngblood表示残骸散落在1英多公里的范围。

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014110106.html
exhalted.moon moon ()
americans seem to be trying to speed up, trying to compete with indians
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美国人似乎想要加快太空计划,试图想要与印度人竞争bitterhoney6 (Location) replies to exhalted.moon
They are fooling themselves.他们在糊弄自己
bitterhoney6 (Location) replies to exhalted.moon
We are now far advanced. Within 160 days we have left Americans far behind. Bharat Mata ki jai. Pawanputra Hanuman ki jai. Lauh purush Vallabh bhai ki jai. Gaurav purush Narendra bhai ki jai.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)我们已经遥遥领先了。仅仅在160天内,美国人就远远落后印度了......
Puchakayala ()
they need advanced tecnology like India
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Chidanand ()
All of a sudden, whats happening to US space research programme??
chandra ()
poor quality made in parts. usa should buy made in india parts.
劣质零件,美国应该采购印度产的零件chetan pais (Bangalore) replies to chandra
Made in India parts will take us to space but i doubt they would be able to bring us back.印度零件可以把我们带往太空,但是我怀疑是否能够把我们带回来
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