译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:BJP aspires to grow bigger than Co unist Party of ?
外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/BJP-aspires-to-grow-bigger-than-Co unist-Party-of-/articleshow/44997730.cms

BHOPAL: BJP national president Amit Shah on Friday asked the state party unit in Madhya Pradesh to increase its membership to four-times the numbers and reach for a target of a two-crore strong cadre. Presently the state unit of the BJP has a total 56 lakh primary members. But describing the state BJP as the one of the strongest wings of the party, Amit Shah called for increased cadre strength in the next membership drive of the party which starts from on Saturday.
10月31日,人民党主席Amit Shah要求中央邦党支部把党员的数量增加至4倍,使该邦党员数量壮大到2000万之众。目前,人民党在该邦的党员数量总共为560万。Amit Shah把中央邦的党支部形容为人民党最强大的党支部之一,他呼吁在从周六开始的党员发展计划中大幅增加党员数量。
On the second day of the state BJPSankalpAdhiveshan (Pledge Convention), Amit Shah addressed the congregation of 25,000 party grassroots workers from urban areas. He said, "The BJP is the only party out of the registered 1500 in the country, which exercises de ocracy internally. Most of other political parties are run by families with lifetime presidents. All memberships of the BJP will lapse on November 1 and the new membership drive starts online."
第二天,Amit Shah向来自城市地区的25000名人民党基层工作者发表致辞,他说,“人民党是全国1500个政党中唯一在党内实行民*的政党。大多数其他政党是家族式管理,党主席是终生制。人民党的所有党员到了11月1日的党员身份将自动失效,新的党员发展计划在网上启动。”

Shah asked workers to reach out to people in all places where the BJP has not spread including the booths, villages and remote habitations. "Take this recruitment drive as a challenge and have people to join the cadre from where the party is still weak," he said. The BJP national president said that in states where the party is established like Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh - the effort should be to make the party's strength permanent so that rivals find it impossible to encroach.
Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan later clarified that the BJP is aiming to overtake the Co unist Party of which is the largest political establishment with a primary membership of over 9 crore members. Chouhan asked each party worker to get three new members for the state BJP.
首席部长Shivraj Singh Chouhan随后澄清说,人民党旨在超过,而后者是目前世界上最大的政党,党员超过9000万。Chouhan要求每个基层工作者为党支部发展3名新党员。

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014110107.html
swatant shakti (Unknown)
BJP is a secular and de ocratic party! A true indian party!
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Transform India (Unknown)
Good if the BJP membership grows... National unity improves and traitors can be kicked out.
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Appa Durai (coimbatore)
It will be a herculean task
VENU Chennai (Chennai)
What is wrong? A national party will always have that ambition.
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这有什么错?一个全国性的政党总会有那个抱负的train (Location) replies to VENU Chennai
you are correct Bro..atleast BJP never run by Family business unlike most of other parties in INDIA today..兄弟,你错了。至少人民党从来不是家族式管理的,而印度其他政党就不同了
HOMIE Simpson (MUMBAI) replies to VENU Chennai
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