

尽管政府卖力,印度'营商便利'排位还是下落到了令人沮丧的第142位。印度在世界银行'营商便利程度'排行中下跌了2位,在189个国家中位列第142名,就算掌权时间不长,也是穆迪政府的一个难堪。在这银行2015年'营商便利程度'报告的10个参数中,印度在“处理 建筑许可证”这一类别排在糟糕透了的184位、“执行契约”第186。光彩的一面是,当评定“保护少数投资者”这项时,印度名列第7,晋升了14位。这是 自2014年来印度唯一显现改进的项目,当时印度这项排21位,'营商便利程度'总排名为140。

来源:三泰虎论坛 http://www.santaihu.cn/thread-9037-1-1.html
外文:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/India- drops-to-dismal-142nd-in-ease-of-doing-business-rankings-despite-gung-ho-govt/articleshow/44969091.cms


India drops to dismal 142nd in ease of doing business rankings despite gung-ho govt


WASHINGTON: In an embarrassment for the Narendra Modi government, even allowing for the short time it has been in office, India dropped two places to stand 142nd out of 189 countries ranked by the World Bank for ease of doing business.


In the ten metrics used to measure ease of doing business in the Bank's 2015 report, India stood a wretched 184th in the category "Dealing with Construction Permits," and 186th in "Enforcing Contracts." On the bright side, India stood 7th, an improvement of 14 places, when it came to "Protecting Minority Investors." It is the only category in which India has shown an improvement from 2014, when it was ranked 21 in this category and 140 in the overall ease of doing business.


Ranking in other eight categories are: Starting a business (158th), Getting electricity (137), Registering property (121) , Getting credit (36th - down from 30th place), Paying taxes (156), Trading across borders (126), and Resolving insolvency (137).

在其它8个项目的排位是:开业(158位)、接通用电(137)、注册财产(121)、获得信贷(第36位 - 从第30降落)、缴税(156)、跨境贸易(126)、以及破产处理(137)。

Getting construction permits in India involved an average of 25 procedures that took 186 days, and cost 28 per cent of the warehouse value. Enforcing contracts took 46 procedures and 1420 days — nearly four years. Getting electricity took 106 days and registering a property took 47 days.

获取建筑许可在印度平均牵涉25种手续,需时186天,並且要化费库房价值的28%。执行契约要经46道手续,1420天 - 將近4年。接通用电耗时106天、注册一项财产47天。

Indicators measured in Mumbai, India's business epicentre, showed that it required 13 procedures to start a business, and it took 30 days to accomplish this, compared to an average of 4.8 procedures and 9.2 days in advanced economies.


The Modi government, which aggressively made ease of doing business part of its agenda and has already initiated some steps, has plenty to chew on in the report that chronicles how enervating it is to start a business in India. For instance, it takes five days to pay stamp duties online, file all incorporation forms and documents online and obtain the certificate of incorporation and five days to request and obtain Certificate to Commence Operations.


It takes between a week and 12 days for each of the following procedures: Obtain a Permanent Account Number (PAN) from an authorized franchise or agent appointed by National Securities Depository Services Limited (NSDL) or Unit Trust of India (UTI) — 7 days; Register with Employees' Provident Fund Organization) — 12 days, simultaneous with previous procedure: Register for VAT online — 10 days, simultaneous with previous procedure; Register for medical insurance (ESIC) — 9 days, simultaneous with previous procedure; Obtain a tax account number for income taxes deducted at source from the Assessing Office in the Mumbai Income Tax Department — 7 days.

以下各项手续耗时在一周到12天之间:从一个由国家证卷登记服务有限公司(NSDL) ,或者印度单位信托基金公司(UTI) 授权的联锁店或代理那里获取一个永久帐号 (PAN) - 7天;在雇员公积金组织注册 - 12天,与前项同时进行; 在网上进行增值税(VAT)登记 - 10天, 与前项同时进行;医疗保险 (ESIC) 登记 - 9天, 与前项同时进行; 在孟买税务部的评审办公室获取税号以减免收入税 - 7天。

All of India's neighbors except for Bangladesh (173) and Afghanistan (193) were ranked higher. topped the neighbourhood at 90, followed by Sri Lanka at 99, Nepal at 108, Bhutan at 125 and Pakistan at 128. Singapore stood first overall for the ninth year in succession, and is followed by New Zealand, Hong Kong, Denmark, and South Korea.



Warmmelody (Africa)

Just wait for some time and then see next year I am sure that Modi will work on this as his make in India campaign has to work


Rahul Teja (Unknown)

Again incorrect reporting. Please let readers know that this is for year 2012-13 which is being released now. The real effects will be shown in year 2016. Please understand that these reports are 1 year late and are collected at the end of FY from each country analysed and published which is time consuming process.


hazari Pathak (delhi)



Antonio Barbosa (Unknown)

Narendra Modi's ideas don't work. I am constantly told to give him time but it is not going to happen. This is the proof of it.


Prashant Srivastava (Gurgaon)

These rankings are no doubt shameful!


danish khan (Kolkata)

This government believe in only making statements and doing nothing. Some advisers of Modi ji wrongly advised him to speak too much on radio or tv to divert attention from main issues. He has not spoke single word on black money after supreme court asked to make list public but Modi ji have time re-tweet the Throors tweets


shashidhar P (Hyderabad) replies to danish khan

Instead of coming conclusion, Give him sometime.


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