译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Six out of 10 Indian men admit violence against wives: UN study
NEW DELHI: Six out of 10 Indian men admit to having perpetrated violence against their wives or partners, with men who experienced discrimination as children or faced financial stresses more likely to be abusive, said a study released on Monday.
The report, by the United Nations World Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Washington-based International Center for Research on Women, polled 9,205 men, aged 18 to 49, across seven states in India to understand their views on masculinity, partner violence and son preference.
Violence was defined as emotional such as insults, intimidation and threats, or physical and sexual such as pushing, punching and rape. It also included economic abuse in which a man did not permit his wife or partner to work or took her earnings against her will.
译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/2014111102.html
Thinker Indian (New Delhi)
...and 10/10 women admitted to violence against their poor husbands! :)
100%的女人承认打过穷丈夫 :)
vitthal suryakant jadhav (navi mumbai)
its true ?????????????????
saiful s (bengal)
what about the study to see the opposite side of the coin?
PKM ()
Most men in the Middle East know that their wives are in a extra marital affair back home. Women are equally responsible for the tragedy.
Sabyasachi Samanta (Bangalore)
Men should think before doing anything like this with their wives...Shame....
Notes of a Madman (Hindu Republic Of India)
Agree....But this is only just one sided story. United Nation should also survey that how many Husbands are abused at the hand of their wives,............Period
PKM ()
Many moslem men work in the Middle East and earn money to send home . There wives ate all in affair with neighbours and ex BFs.The fellow started wee to tell me how much pain he wad enduring.
naushad ()
Another survey says that 60% woman have cheated their husbands
V Rameswara Reddy (Bangalore)
What about the torture given by wife? If survey is conducted more than 90% of wives harass husbands either mentally or physically too.
PKM ()
Just do not blame the men. Women too are no saints in India.
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