Guangzhou street in the 90s
Police officers in the nineties
Serving on the streets- May 18, 1981, Many young lads warmly greet customers in front of T square. "Gourmet", was the symbol of Beiing's self-employed people.
In May 1979, guangx xang. State of Rural China
After the founding of new China a total of three wave went into business, respectively, in 1984, 1987 and 1993.The wave in 1984, most is to rely on overseas inheritance, working abroad, drummed up shortage of goods, including parts by working hard "rich" people first, also is to have more than 10, two hundred thousand people on the bank account, commonly known as "rentier class", they lived a carefree and rich life, be the envy of the society. That’s the most popular career is in turn: tax drivers, soho, the chef.....The last is scientists, doctors, teachers. "Brain than hair", "missile is not like selling tea", is the social reality at that time.
新中国成立后共有3次下海经商浪潮,分别发生在1984年、1987年和1993年。1984年那一拨,多数是靠继承海外遗产、留洋打工、倒腾紧缺商品、 甚至包括部分靠辛勤劳动先“富”起来的人群,也就是银行账户上存有十几二十万的人群,俗称“食利阶层”,他们过着悠闲、富足的生活,成为当时社会羡慕的对 象。那个年代最受欢迎的职业排序依次是:出租车司机、个体户、厨师……..最后才是科学家、医生、教师。“修大脑的不如剃头的”、“搞导弹的不如卖茶叶蛋 的”,是当时社会的真实写照
( I could restructure it but it gives some idea of what is she trying to say)
In 1987: AIDS phobia. Kyodo news agency in August 1987, 13 (Reuters) : in a restaurant waiter, guide's personnel, such as foreign-related tourism staff, AIDS phobia is expanding, health authorities are doing their best to spread the correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Hotel waiter hate the room cleaning of the foreigners. They would say What if I catch AIDS. "Some guide used to avoid shaking hands with the foreigners
In 1992 stock market began to look up. The stock market craze began to rise. A movie starring Pan Hong "strands of crazy" reflects upon the country's craze at that time.
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