nice blog, thanks for sharing
thanks iyangyang- Chinese philosophy is interesting :)
谢谢,中国哲学是有趣的 :)
Navneetji, good pictures and the accompanying text. Seems like China's development has reached all corners of the country. It is not just confined to the export zones and Beiing and Shanghai.
Yes Prasad Ji- It certainly has from the amount of information that is sent to me by the people from all across China, to say "it's tremendous" is not enough
Beautiful pictures with wisdom from Lao Tzu. Yes whatever goes up has to come down. There is nothing like infinite or perfection. Arrogance is the first step towards downfall. Reading your blog with sips of Cozy chamomiles was soothing and effective.
美图啊, 还有老子的智慧。没有什么是完美的。傲慢是走向堕落的第一步。看你的文章有一种舒缓心扉的功效。navneet
Hello Karor Sir,
Indeed good piece of wisdom- rather deep and difficult to understand. Mr. Young had sent me the pictures but not much text, so I thought of sharing some of what I am reading these days.
Krishnan Bala
Dear NNK Bakshi,
Nice pictures and a refreshing philosophy. But it will take time to understand its impact on our mind and become part of our way of living ! What is apparent is that the extremities of all sensory perceptions need to be taken in to account before becoming judgemental !
Your new profile photo throws up some reality. Wisdom has to have signs of gray hair !
Hello Bala Sir, Refreshing philosophy but a bit deep. It's like pair of opposites our scriptures speak about. As regards the profile picture, I thought it was high time, I change my profile picture and stake a claim of joining the elite club. The August group may have some concessions for age.
Lovely images and very very interesting philosophy...
As a child I used to enjoy Chinese Fairy tales too....
Thanks Usha Ji,
Chinese Fairy tales? Great Idea- I can bring them on my website but do children read tales these days? I think they will be happy seeing them as animations
Bi Chonglei
Hello, I am Chinese, I am glad to see your positive comments on China
Thanks Bi Chong Lei for visiting my blog.
CHINA xaoyu
you can publish something about india's real life photos? I want to know more about india
Ok China iaoyu, I will post some blogs about India
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