Bharad Waj (Unknown)
Please don't privatize all things already petrol and gas price re rising up due to privatization
ratthu (india)
a breather for railway employees ...
Rajeev S (Jhumri Talaiyya)
The Indian Railways is too big and too complex to be privatized. Also it is the most affordable transport for common people. However Railways is hugely corrupt, incompetent and unprofessional. Modi has to make Railways professional and free it from corruption
然而,铁路部门太腐败,太无能,太不专业了。莫迪得提高铁路人员的专业水平,消除腐败。MAXX (California) replies to Rajeev S
As long as it is in public sector, railways can not rid itself of corruption. Since railways is divided into many regions, may be they ought to let one section be operated by private sector. Government could lease it out to private sector a year or so and study the results. Private sector is the only means that can cut bureaucracy, improve efficiency and even make it profitable.只要是公共部门,就难免腐败。由于铁路部门下设许多分局,也许可以让某个分局交给私营企业来运作,比如租出去1年左右,然后看看效果。
Dhiraj D (Unknown)
IF Government starts selling all the PUBLIC Undertakings what will be their source income and run the administration.
dara singh (Baroda)
What he essentially means is that the white elephant of Gujarat's 60000 crore bullet train project will be financed using tax payer's money, instead of private financing as it was thought earlier. The man with forked tongue!
Akshay Kamble ()
doing this would be selling India indirectly
印度铁路私有化等于间接卖国MAXX (California) replies to Akshay Kamble
Selling India to whom ? Look at what Russia did after the collapse of Soviet Union. Many industries have been privitized. India should start doing so, slowly and gradually. Let a section of railways be turned over to private sector for about ten years and see how that pans out.向谁卖国?看看苏联解体后的俄罗斯。许多工业被私有化。印度也应该逐渐开始这一进程。
Rohit mishra ()
Confused PM, cant even take a decison. First he was in favor of FDI and now he doesnt want to privatize it. He is a complete FEKU
Tina Cohelo (Mumbai, Maharashtra, Ind)
Hmmm! Just another u-turn policy by the PM
commentingheart ()
All talks and no action, makes Mr Modi a brilliant PM.
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