


译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Disturbing finding: When first born is female, sex ratio of second child falls


How does a preference for boys over girls skew the child sex ratio? Does the neglect of a girl child result in a dip in the sex ratio? How does one quantify neglect? These are some of the issues explored in a recently released report, 'World of Indian Girls-2014', authored by academicians from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences for the NGO Save the Children.


The report, which draws from the latest available data, focuses on the girl child, a category that is rarely studied on its own, and is often lost in the general literature on either women or on children.


The report looks at some insidious trends that point to a lowering of India's child sex ratio. For instance, a Lancet study on trends in sex-selective abortion in India shows that when the first child in a family is male, there is no fall in the sex ratio for the second child, but when the first child is female, there is a decline in the sex ratio of the second child.


Research on India's disappearing daughters finds that higher levels of wealth and education do not result in a better child sex ratio, with wealthy parts of the country availing of sex-determination. However, India's Muslim population, which belongs largely to lower socio-economic strata, has a higher female sex ratio.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014122703.html

grah fans (opinion CCTV was ufff )
These idiots want to make boys and girls equal... Foooooooooooooolllsssss! lol!


Appa Durai (Coimbatore)
Children are god given. Accept them without diffentiation . Give them equal opertunities to grow well and become best citizens


Abinder Pal Singh (New Delhi-58)
This is one subject that Indians do not want to learn...the irony is that women support it more than men. It seems that gender bias is going to live here permanently...


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