

三泰虎12月31日译文,这是一个卓越的想法,承诺把这座钻石之城带往新的高度。如果孟买建商雄心勃勃的计划见到天日,那么人们就不必一路坐飞机到迪拜参观世界最高楼——哈利法塔了。孟买一家房地产开发商Harihara Mahapatra对修建一栋高1200米的楼表现出兴趣,他声称该楼将是世界最高的。Mahapatra提议这栋楼建在Khajod即将到来的梦想城市 项目中。这栋楼的修建需要大约120亿卢比的投资。他的公司已经拿到了1平方公里的地块。

译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Mumbai builder proposes world's tallest building in Surat


SURAT: It's a towering idea that promises to take the Diamond City to new heights. If this ambitious plan by a Mumbai-based builder sees the light of the day, one would not have to fly all the way to Dubai to see the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.


Harihara Mahapatra, a Mumbai-based real estate developer, has shown interest in constructing a 1.2 km tall tower, what he claims would be the world's tallest. Mahapatra has proposed the tower in the upcoming Dream City project at Khajod. Constructing the building would require an investment of about Rs 1,200 crore. His firm has sought an area of 1 sq km.

孟买一家房地产开发商Harihara Mahapatra对修建一栋高1200米的楼表现出兴趣,他声称该楼将是世界最高的。Mahapatra提议这栋楼建在Khajod即将到来的梦想城市项目中。这栋楼的修建需要大约120亿卢比的投资。他的公司已经拿到了1平方公里的地块。

After the discussion with Surat collector Rajender Kumar, the proposal was forwarded to Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board (GIDB). Kumar told TOI, "The company is planning to create this iconic structure through new patented technology."

在与苏拉特收藏家Rajender Kumar讨论后,该提议被提交给古吉拉特邦基础设施开发局(GIDB)。Kumar对《印度时报》说,“公司计划通过新的专利技术修建这栋标志性建筑。”

"It is an ambitious project that requires clearances from number of agencies like Airport Authority of India and others," said a top government official.


When contacted, Mahapatra refused to divulge any details.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014123103.html

Ashok Gupta ()
Good idea to show progress & achievements .


Dharmendra Singh (Haridwar)
Very Good ... All the Best...


Evil Empire (Unknown)
Mr Narender Modi may ask SBI to finance the builder.


Paksh Dhuria (Delhi)
Now our country is develo at higher rates! :D

我们国家的发展速度加快了 :D

Evil Empire (Unknown)
The twer to be built up in Surat is so tall that Airplane might have toughed down the tip of the tower which is why Air authority clearance is required.


Amit (USA)
okay.. it doesn't have any economic feasibility..


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 1200米!孟买建商提议在苏拉特建世界最高楼

