Name ()
I wonder who are the idiot voters who vote for senseless persons like SAKSHI MAHARAJ
不知道是哪些选民把SAKSHI MAHARAJ这样的傻瓜选上去的
Akashdeep (Portland US)
Why four and why not 11, and then hold inter family cricket matches. The stupidization of the Indian politicians is a never ending process!
Laxmi Singh (Gurgaon)
this is really ridiculous
P.K. ()
The very thinking that any body is capable to protect a religion and you need more number of people to save a religion is not only highly misplaced but an absolutely a foolish thought. Religions are here to guide and protect its followers. Followers need not worry to protect a religion!
Name ()
These idiots are trying to defame MODI/BJP, by pouring out senseless statements every now & then.
Mangesh mangesharu (UAE)
Are these people living in 18th century ???
Deepak K (India)
I fully support, most of the muslims in India have 5 or more children, never heard anyone one speaking against them
neelgagan neelgagan (Mumbai)
send him to mars.......
RR BR (Bangalore)
Does India need more population now or prosperity?
H. K (delhi)
India should make the serious laws for birth control
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