

三泰虎2015年1月12日译文,纳瓦兹谢里夫的国家安全和外交事务顾问Sartaj Aziz,声称印度利用阿富汗领土来执行对巴基斯坦的攻击。然而,Sartaj Aziz承认,自从巴基斯坦和阿富汗共同接受禁止本国领土被用于对付对方的政策以来,印度的卷入已经减少。在接受黎明电视台的采访时,Sartaj Aziz批评莫迪政府在印巴会谈中的不合作态度。“印度前一届政府的立场是微妙的。但是莫迪领导的政府称,如果巴基斯坦希望与印度保持友好关系,那么就应该在克什米尔问题上做出妥协。”Aziz对黎明电视台说道。

译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:India using Afghan soil to carry out attacks on Pakistan: Sartaj Aziz


NEW DELHI: Sartaj Aziz, adviser to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on national security and foreign affairs, has alleged that India is using Afghanistan soil to carry out attacks on Pakistan.

Sartaj Aziz, however, also admitted that the India's involvement had decreased since the adoption of a joint Pakistan-Afghan policy to not to let their soils be used against each other.

纳瓦兹谢里夫的国家安全和外交事务顾问Sartaj Aziz,声称印度利用阿富汗领土来执行对巴基斯坦的攻击。

然而,Sartaj Aziz承认,自从巴基斯坦和阿富汗共同接受禁止本国领土被用于对付对方的政策以来,印度的卷入已经减少。

In an interview to Dawn TV, Sartaj Aziz also criticized the Modi government's non-cooperative attitude on the India-Pakistan talks.

"The stance of the previous governments in India was subtle, but the Modi-led government said that if Pakistan is to maintain good ties with India, then it should compromise on Kashmir," Aziz told dawn.

在接受黎明电视台的采访时,Sartaj Aziz批评莫迪政府在印巴会谈中的不合作态度。


Sartaj Aziz also added that the Modi government wanted resumption of stalled India-Paksitan talks on its own terms and conditions, which were not acceptable to Pakistan.

Sartaj Aziz还说,莫迪政府希望按照他们的条件来恢复止步不前的印巴会谈,而这是巴基斯坦不可接受的。


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015011207.html

BVis (UK)
The adviser to Pak PM, has alleged that India is using Afghanistan soil to carry out attacks on Pakistan. Tell him to get his facts right and also tell him to get knotted. Talking all BS.


The Follower (Unknown)
t!t for tat


narasa.rao24 (Hyd)
Hope India fulfills his wish!


Prem (Chennai
Super joke.


rakesh A ()
Losers say these things to gain international recognition. Even Facebook CEO Mark once said, he faced death threats from a Pakistani rogue!!


aniken_007 ()
India doesn't havr to carry out any attacks on Pakistan..! All India has to do is to -SUFFOCATE Pakistan ..!


Sing Sheombar ()
pakiporkystan is an terrorist country in the world do not believe any pakiporkys


69mahuli ()
I wish India does that.


VK Gurjar (Delhi)
Yes, Pakistan have to give back to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, nothing else. You can say it 'compromise on Kashmir'. Without PoK Kashmir is not a complete State, which is Indian because Muslims are invader so captured Indian land. They have to go.


Bharat ()
so ridiculous . these stupids are born to blame India for everything. stupids


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