Dinesh Kumar•29303• • harisingh singh•goa•22 hours ago
Fist fights between colleagues almost always point to drunkenness and it is fairly common in that company.
Kamal Jit Dhiman•918• •Mohali•
The guilty should not be spared... he must apologize publically...
no matter who he is.....this shameless act on his part... shame on him.
Raghav R•51737• • Kamal Jit Dhiman•Indiatimes•
Mob justice pronounced after reading toiletpaper of India. Pilot was waiting for clearance for takeoff, since Delhi had fog. The flight engineer went inside cockpit and asked the pilot to takeoff since passengers were shouting. Are you aware the flight engineer will be arrested for interfering with flight.
lycmng•9667• •Salem•
A monkey can be trained to fly and made a pilot but nobody can can train a monkey to become a Gentleman.
shekall2005 shekar•14367• •Location•
Worst than Bangalurus auto drivers.
At Chennai airport flight delay is the norm. Passengers generally keep patience. As a frequent flier,I've not heard or come across any fight between a pilot and a flight engineer. So,I'm really surprised and anguished to come to know of such an incident
金奈机㘯航班延误是常事。旅客一般都保持耐心 作为一个常飞的旅客,我还没听过或碰到过任何领航员与机械师打架的事。所以知道这种事情我真是又惊又难受
narasa.rao24•31752• •Hyd•23 hours ago
Privatize Air India.
trishul06•734• •Bangalore•
These Air India Drivers get paid much more than what they deserve. "When you throw peanuts you get only Monkeys" Air India is throwing Almonds but still we have monkeys as Airplan drivers
Couldn't they get a better place to fight?
Mahesh Naik•6498• • sj•Bombay,Mumbai•
?? How much better is a mute question.The cabins are very comfortable ..A.C. open space view space...
sj•148• • Mahesh Naik•
M Gupta•12138• • sj•Bangalore•
What would be a better place?
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