译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:US wants to see Indian tourists tip a million during Obama era

WASHINGTON: As President Obama and his wife wing their way to New Delhi this weekend with a touristy excursion to Agra appended at the tail end of the trip, they will be visiting a country that will most likely send a million Indian tourists to the United States in 2015. And Uncle Sam wants more.
Apparently, the days of Indian travelers jum through hoops and pining in vain for a US tourist visa are over. These days, if you have the moolah and the assets to show you won't disappear into the vast open spaces in America, a visa is yours for the asking, particularly if you can set the US cash registers ringing.
So what has changed? "We were the last developed country in the world not to have a dedicated effort to promote travel and tourism and President Obama decided to change that when he realized that the United States suffered a lost decade after 9/11," explained Chris Thompson, President and CEO at Brand USA, which was created by the federal government to gee up travel to the land of Disneyland and Hollywood that has never had to work hard for the tourist dollar. Not any more.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015012403.html
km_bridge (Washington DC)
Texas? Who visits TX, and for what?
德克赛斯?谁会去德克萨斯?去那干嘛?TJ123 (NYC) replies to km_bridge
Meet relatives :)去看亲戚啊 :)
Anita Garg (Panaji)
I would love to visit New York
Amun Ra (Hyderabad)
I would like to visit Argentina. The women there are more beautiful compared to the US
tathya Singh (india)
no need to visit US.. where every visitor is forced to pant down and ***** checked. Its better to visit other parts of world ( trust me they are very beautiful ). just google ...
Saurabh ()
Uncle Sam wants more Indian tourists to boost their economy.
A.K. (Hindustan)
ok..best of luck
Vasan Santhanam (Chennai)
Need to prove that you have family and will return back to india to get these visa.
vijay banga (new delhi)
Unfortunately most tourists do not like to return, it is calculated risk, a high one at that
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