译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:For Obama’s visit, India takes a broom to stray monkeys and cows

NEW DELHI: When an important guest is on his way over, it is common practice to sweep up one's odds and ends and hide them all in the back room. So it was in New Delhi this week.
With days to go before US President Barack Obama's arrival on Sunday, the order went out to "sanitize." Municipal cow catchers were ordered to round up the stray cattle that amble down the city's thoroughfares, unperturbed by the backup of traffic behind them. Men with slingshots have fanned out in the neighborhood around Rashtrapati Bhavan, shrieking and barking in an effort to frighten away hundreds of rosy-bottomed monkeys.
City workers have been making the rounds on downtown streets, trying to persuade beggars to spend three days in a shelter, but they have had varied success. ("You see, beyond a point, I cannot do a military operation," said Jalaj Shrivastava, the chairman of the New Delhi Municipal Council.) The sweets sellers are disappearing, and the sidewalk cobblers, and the sellers of feather-dusters and bead necklaces and black-market novels.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015012405.html
Posh Pen (Dreams)
Is Obama holier than Hanumanji and Gaumatha ?
sagar singh (Durban, South Africa)
Hope the clean environment in Delhi will continue long after Obama returns.
shakahaar Bhopal (bhopal MP)
. it is very amazing for us that MR OBAMA is coming means no dogs, monkeys, cows are not to be seen by him. it means he is a president, he is not a man , but he is a great man. i request to the GOI please prevent birds, crows and human from the capital. although he is the powerful man but it does effects if he sees the naked truth of our country BHARAT, BHARATVARSH, HINDUSTAN, INDIA
Avinash ()
its a beautiful thing monkeys are on the same streets with us. and we should promote this. why is that a problem? why can't we keep it the way it is? if it is natural, it should be appreciated. they are giving shelter to the beggars for 3 days. why not try and rehabilitate them in a job! if they start earning, they won't beg. there are a lot of jobs which don't have takers and its time we took an initiative reaching out to them
George ()
Wonder where the animal lovers are when this chasing and rounding is done. Now they dont want to raise their voice. Aren't they hypocrites? Oh! Yes.
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