译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015020204.html
外文标题:Japan outraged as video purportedly shows hostage beheaded

TOKYO: Japan condemned with outrage and horror on Sunday, after an online video that purported to show an Islamic State group militant beheading Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.
The video posted on militant websites late Saturday Middle East time ended days of negotiations to save Goto, a 47-year-old journalist, and heightened fears for the life of a Jordanian fighter pilot also held hostage.
"I feel indignation over this immoral and heinous act of terrorism," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters after convening an emergency Cabinet meeting.
"When I think of the grief of his family, I am left speechless," he said. "The government has been doing its utmost in responding to win his release, and we are filled with deep regret."
Abe vowed that Japan will not give in to terrorism and will continue to provide humanitarian aid to countries fighting the Islamic State extremists.
Emanuel ()
i just woke up now and when i read this news i am utterly shocked and disgusted about th actions of these terrorists. India needs to be aware of this and take ample steps to tighten its security and also check its own citizens who might have the willingness to join them. its high time for the international community to wake up and eradicate this group as soon as possible.
Abhi . (India)
Behead all muslim terrorists in the same way. t it for tat
Anil (Unknown)
Now its Japans turn to respond to this.
napajseti napajseti ()
a muslim family has 10 kids (at least) in india; if one kid per family is radicalized and becomes jihadi john disaster it is for india
rjkmail2004 (India)
The Japanese are proud people. They will not let this challenge lying down.
Dr Vidyadhar (Bangalore)
What was the sin the peaceful Japanese journalists committed on ISIS soil? Cruelty. They looked for ransom and it was Japanese Govt policy not to pay ransom. India has to look into similar kind of policy as there are more reports of Indian people itching to go there. Recently, Hyderabad girl returned from ISIS war front complaining that she was used as a cook there.
有报道说想去ISIS的印度人越来越多了。最近,海德拉巴女孩从ISIS战争前线归来,她抱怨说自己在那里被当做厨师。Dinesh Kumar (goa) replies to Dr Vidyadhar
Those Indians who still choose to go to Syria and fight on behalf of the ISIS face a double disaster.First they will not be given a chance to fight,only to clean toilet,cook or act as sex slaves.The second jeopardy stems from the fact that the rest of the world is going to band together and obliterate this abomination from the face of the planet.那些仍然选择前往叙利亚代表ISIS作战的印度人会面临双重灾难。
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