

Luis Del Toro


Tr?ng Hòa Benny Trinh
because of male genre choice culture...


Margo Hatifi
Of course the professor is apologetic now that career and intregrity are on the line. should have weighed the consequences better before elaborating so much in the rejection email.


Saqib Saleem
Does that really make EVERY Indian a rapist??? Or India a RAPIST country? What mentality!!!


Kamal Joshi India is a country of 1.2 billion people, and US population is 320 million , EU population is 500 million, so still if you see the statics of these countries with India, you will find India dont have that much problem as compare to these country, Atleast in India we raise the voice, but in these country these things are silent and dont come in media broadcasting of BBC and CNN and rest west media


Awung Luikham
no... it should be like that so that the Indians could understand what it is like to be living in a country where rape is not properly adressed.


Simonne Suleiman

Rape happens everywhere, it is a sad reality. Is it conducive to the ending of rape and sexual violence by punishing those who have not committed such a crime? If that's the case, then no male from any country should be allowed an internship. Let's punish the actors at the source, not those who have no partake in such disgusting crimes.


Peter Kho
With the advent of social media, I believe people think that what they say and how they feel as "netizens" applies to the real world. Not so.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 因强奸新闻,德国教授不让印度男人当实习生
