外文标题:At 56%, Indians record highest US work visa rejection: Report

BENGALURU: Despite the growing bonhomie with the United States, India suffered by far the highest number of L-1B visa denials between 2012 and 2014.
As high as 56% of the L-1B visa petitions by Indians was rejected, compared with an average denial rate of 13% for all countries other than India. The data was released by the Virginia-based National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP), a non-profit and non-partisan public policy research organization focused on trade, immigration and related issues. It's based on data obtained from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
The data shows the denial rates for and Mexcan nationals were less than half of India's - at 22% and 21%, respectively. British nationals followed at 16% and Japanese and German nationals at 15%.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015032102.html
sundaram ramani ()
Majority of aspirants think Visa to America is Visa to Paradise. Sadly mistaken
An Angry Indian ()
I wish India reaches an economic prosperity that we no longer have to dream about going to US or Europe to earn more money.
sukumar (location)
The rejections of visas are, in part, made to prevent the outbreak of rape virus in the western hemisphere. Needless to say, ineligible crooks applying for L1 are more likely to indulge in unlawful activities than deserving applicants.
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Makmad Lord (India)
Americans need more terrorists not work force.
.Mr. (NYC)
The rejection percentage is higher ..bcoz the base application numbers is higher ! Today no forward looking / IT dependent Country can exst with-out Indians !! our % rules!!
Balakrishna (Location)
How does this reconcile with the fact that Indians have got the highest per capita income of all races in US and the only areas where rioting did not happen in London was Indian?
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而且, 伦敦不会发生暴乱的唯一地区是印度人聚集区。narayanaiyer viswanathan (Bangalore) replies to Balakrishna
The Jews have the highest per capita income in US not Indians在美国,收入最高的是犹太人,不是印度人
An Angry Indian () replies to narayanaiyer viswanathan
No. You are wrong. Indians are the highest in income and education qualification of all non American ethnic people. Check Wikipedia or any other source which you trust.不,你错了。印度人的收入水平和受教育程度是非美国少数族群中最高的。你去查维基或者其他你信赖的来源便知
sukumar (location) replies to Balakrishna 1 hr ago
North east London Brent council is using high powered water jets to remove paan spit stains while announcing a fine of 80 pounds for paan spitting.
Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)伦敦东北用最强大的高压水枪来冲刷吐痰污渍,宣布随地吐痰罚款80英镑
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 申请美国L-1B签证,印度人被拒签的比例最高