译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015033003.html
外文标题:Aamir Khan: Lesser known facts
According to a report on Hindustantimes.com, Jackie Chan has confessed his love for Aamir Khan. The actor, who has always been a fan of Bollywood films, was quoted as saying that he liked Aamir Khan's films in particular. Jackie Chan has been quoted in the report as saying that he loved 3 Idiots and he became an overnight fan of Aamir Khan after watching the film when it had released in Hong Kong. The actor, who was in India to promote his recent release, Dragon Blade, has also revealed that he will start shooting for his new film, Kungfu Yoga in autumn this year and for that he will be returning to India.
成龙在印度推广他最新的电影《天将雄狮》(Dragon Blade)。他还披露,今年秋天他将拍摄新电源《功夫瑜伽》(Kungfu Yoga)。为此,他将回到印度。
阿米尔·汗(Aamir Khan),1965年3月14日出生在印度孟买。印度宝莱坞演员、导演、制片人
阿米尔21岁的时候爱上了邻居家的女孩芮娜(Reena),但由于宗教原因,两方家长都坚决反对这桩婚事,于是阿米尔决定私奔。2002年12月阿米尔汗和前妻离婚。2005年12月迎娶第二任妻子Kiran Rao
Clerisy (Hyd)
Why not, He has done some of the finest movies, which would make any one a big fan. And look at the diversity of roles.
Raul (ggn)
and mayawati bahin ji also
mayawati bahin也是哦
Free charge (vallam)
Dragon Blade, has also revealed that he will start shooting for his new film, Kungfu Yoga in autumn this year and for that he will be returning to India
他还披露,今年秋天他将拍摄新电源《功夫瑜伽》(Kungfu Yoga)。为此,他将回到印度。
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 成龙:看了《三傻大闹宝莱坞》后,一夜之间成为阿米尔汗的粉丝