外文标题:80% of Delhi's buildings won't stand a quake

NEW DELHI: Delhi is located in seismic zone 4, making it highly vulnerable to earthquakes. However, the city is not remotely prepared to deal with them. If a severe earthquake hits the capital, 80% of its buildings won't be able to withstand it, say experts.
"People have a short memory of disaster if they were not involved in it directly. There have been schemes to retrofit exsting buildings to be able to withstand an earthquake but no action has been taken," said professor Mahesh Tandon, president of Indian Association of Structural Engineers.
“那些并未直接卷入灾难的人,对灾难的记忆是短暂的。对现有楼房进行改善,让其能抵抗地震的方案是存在的,但是并未采取任何行动。”印度结构工程师协会的主席Mahesh Tandon教授如是说。

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015042705.html
Anonymous ()
It is a good way of population control .
Mahesh Gupta (jaipur)
It is high time to wake up. If any earth quack like Nepal would hit Delhi, the situation would be beyond imagination. Everyone should be sensible to future.
MalIndian Magnificient (Unknown)
Great. Then we can start all over again, and develop Delhi like a capital.
很好,一切重新来吧,把德里发展成像个首都的样子Fossil ByThen (USA) replies to MalIndian Magnificient
Sure.. But the people (at least their nature) will be the same! So thenga again.. No change for another 1000 years.当然,但是人还是不变!一千年也不会变。
ash (Location)
if a quake similar to guj or nepal hits delhi the casualty / death will be massive . local gov should take immidiet steps to catagorise all buildings so a map of likely disaster area can be idetified .
当地政府应当立即采取措施,对所有建筑进行分类,绘制出一张地图,标出可能发生灾难的地区Subrata Pramanick (Kolkata) replies to ash
It will be worse in Kolkata due to its soft soil. All high rises should be constructed quake proof, But who cares.加尔各答可是软土地,更糟糕。
Amit (USA)
okay.. so what next??
好吧,接下来呢?Fossil ByThen (USA) replies to Amit
Just wait, watch and die like a dog.等着瞧,像一条狗一样死去
Vijay Bali (india)
Delhi also is very thickly populated at many places and very old buildings exst in very close proxmity thus becoming a damaging zone in case of earth quake
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