外文标题:41% of all girls aged 19 in India have married, census data reveals

Marriage at a later age than in the past is a reality, but teenage brides are by no means as uncommon as we might think, with 41.3% of all girls aged 19 in India having married, according to just-released data from the 2011 census. Of over 10 million girls of this age at the time of the census, more than 4.1 million were married or already divorced, separated or widowed.
In some states — Bihar, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Jharkhand — a majority of 19-year-old girls had already been married. In some others like Tripura (49.6%) and Madhya Pradesh (46.6%) they were only just in a minority.
However, the data does confirm that the age of marriage is getting pushed back. During the 2001 census, about 25% of girls aged 15 to 19 were married. Ten years on, that proportion has shrunk to 20%. In the 20-24 age group, while 77% were married in 2001, it was down to 70% by 2011.
The data also shows a clear rural-urban divide. In rural India, 47.3% of 19-year — old girls had been married, in the urban areas the corresponding figure was 29.2%. In most states, a majority of girls seem to be married by the time they are 20 years old.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015050304.html
leena ch (Unknown)
Though marriage brings its own set of problems,atleast girls are getting married later than before and not when they are childbrides.
Shankar Narayan Sarma (Ghaziabad)
This is official figure. Unofficial it will be something different. For a healthy India we should discourage marriage in their teens.
IndiaFirst (London)
No worries. Teens in 14, 15 get pregnant in West. Getting married is much better deal.
Vidisha Jain (texas)
i am feeling really sad about this. women are not treated equally like men even in such a modern world.
Gita Das (bangalore)
Time to change these medieval mindsets and bring these people to the 21st century. We need adult education especially in villages
Superman CID (From MARS.)
If the boy is not beyond 25 years why can't marry an 18 year old girl . Many of the Indian families spoil their daughter's pluming time and they select 22 to 25 years the marriage time, means after studying and getting a perfect job. This is not a good culture
Mir (Unknown)
I don't think there's any harm in marrying at 18 or 19 years of age... Marrying early has got countless benifits some of which are explicit and some are not that clear... My parents were married when they're both were 18... They had there first child at the age of 20.. Now they're still not that old and both of there kids were married at the age of around 24..
早婚有无数好处,有些好处是明显的, 有些不那么明显。
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