Internet and Wi-Fi is free and without registration at airports. Almost no security is visible. Men and women are frisked together (I was always frisked by women). There is one security check and one ticket check. They have no need for the three other steps we have (ticket check at entrance, boarding pass check and stamp check).
The reason is that, like all Western nations, their idea of security is not limited to securing locations, but the environment.
The literacy rate is very high and so is its quality. Even those in the labouring classes read fluently. It is more expensive to study art and music in China than medicine and engineering. A certain sign of a highly civilized people. There is no tip in restaurants and there is no pleading for more money, even from coolies, who carry themselves with great dignity.
Things that the Chinese have in common with us: a religious framework centred around demanding material goods as a barter with God (though the Chinese don’t give him gold unlike us). And ancestor worship.
In public spaces and in conversation, the Chinese are as noisy as us but there is none of our mindless honking.
Like us they also revere, if not quite worship, money. The Chinese entrepreneurial base is not restricted either by geography or caste, unlike ours. This is one aspect of why their economic success has a broader base than ours.
China has many negatives. Above all, an auth rian state intolerant of dissent and a one-party political system. I could not bear to live here as a citizen, a place offering relief and choice in neither ideology not candidates.
Yes, the state is effective and it penetrates. But I suspect the state in China also penetrated during most of the different historical eras and systems, including monarchy.
India compares its economic growth and achievements to China’s. It shouldn’t. This isn’t a race and no prize will be awarded. If it was, we have lost and are losing. The talk when I left India was about overtaking China’s current growth rate. The real figure to race against would be China’s growth rate when their economy was the size of ours (it is four times bigger today). At that point they were clocking double-digit annual growth in metronomic fashion.
We should calibrate our nationalist bombast to our actual achievements.
We Indians, all of us—secularists, communalists, Hindus, Muslims, all put together—are irrelevant in that sense. That is what experiencing the world will teach those of us who can afford to travel and haven’t allowed our minds to be shut by our fierce nationalism.
The truth is we have few achievements. We squabble daily over idiotic things—ban Maggi! ban Uber!—while other nations have lifted themselves.

Sailing to see the Three Gorges dam, my map showed 45 bridges across that patch of the Yangtze river and its tributaries. The entire Brahmaputra has how many? Two? A single Chinese city, Chongqing, a place few Indians have heard of, has likely seen more industrial development in the last decade than all India’s cities combined. Comparisons are embarrassing, and meaningless.
Anyway, even the Chinese are not there yet, not a fully developed nation with economic and political freedom and without everyday corruption, like Europe, like Japan. But you can see their path. Three more decades of this growth and they are there. Political freedom will come automatically in one way or another.
What’s our path out of darkness and into civilization and an equal and prosperous society? Frankly I cannot see it. But I do know that those who say it is through government, meaning that the rest of us—“civil society”—do nothing, are wrong.
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