"The International Day of Yoga is just a start. We want to take yoga to the remotest village of our country and to do that we need to create dedicated infrastructure, facilities and do research ... Ayush ministry is working out a plan. It would require at least Rs 500 crore," minister of state for Ayush Shripad Naik told TOI.
国际瑜伽日只是开始。我们希望把瑜伽带到国内最边远的村庄。为此,我们得修建专门的基础设施...Ayush部正在制定一项计划,该计划需要至少50亿卢比。Ayush部部长Shripad Naik对《印度时报》说道。
The ministry has set up a special taskforce to suggest ways to promote and regulate yoga. The committee, headed by yoga guru H R Nagendra, chancellor of Bangalore-based Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samasthana, is likely to submit its report by September. Nagendra is also Prime Minister Narendra Modi's personal yoga guru.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015062304.html
外文标题:After mega celebrations, government plans Rs 500 crore boost for yoga
外 文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/After-mega-celebrations- government-plans-Rs-500-crore-boost-for-yoga/articleshow/47776793.cms
Dhiraj D (Unknown)
The money could feed the poor who are below the poverty line and cannot afford 2 meals a day after 68 years of Independance
Joy Augustine (Dubai) 1 hr ago
It is absolutely unacceptable for Govt. planning to spend money on Yoga in India where majority of people are poor and suffering from poverty. All these money will go to some of the exsting fitness centres and can expect more fitness centres in future propagating yoga
km852004 km (mathew)
good move - acha din attha hi for few selected - 2000 people died on heat wave = no allocation for any fund is seen in the media for these poor one
Jeet Grewal ()
Wastage of people's tax money..
vijai kapoor (delhi)
Excellent. This will create skilled and qualified Yoga teachers who will expand Yoga globally.
() 2 hrs ago
another 500 crores wasted
whatsinaname () 2 hrs ago
As Putin asked, why would one make a ministry for yoga?
Mihir ()
500 crore of tax payers money down the drain. Yoga won't solve problems of poverty, jobs, electricity, water, infrastructure. Neither will yoga solve health problems.
Mihir ()
First provide clean water, jobs and good healthcare, then do yoga and the other nonsense
John Voxx (Germany) 2 hrs ago
Modi has wasted a whole week of time on Yoga which is not even Indian in origin. It came from Afghanistan erstwhile Gandhar ( Kandhar) a place from where Sanskrit was originated. Modi is busy wasting time on such petty affairs instead of making miracles in economy happen.
enemy of hypocrites (Location)
Modi regime, do anything and everything that you want! This is your first and LAST term!
Murphy (Thiruvananthapuram) 3 hrs ago
farmers are dying.
Fernando R (United Arab Emirates)
Farmers get cheques of Rs 75 as compensation for crop loss & Yoga gets Rs 500 Crores....
akpm akpm ()
It is a saving rather than an expenses as it will bring down the medical bills....
Sanjeev Kumar (Gurgaon)
Thanks to govt... Now Indian Yoga become international .....
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