Navneet:中国最长的假期就要 结束了,中国人忙着从家乡返回工作地。一直以来,春节回家的传统延续了几个世纪,就像用筷子吃饭一样,似乎并未失去吸引力。虽然印度北方的排灯节、东部的 杜嘉女神节和西部的甘尼许节,也见证人们赶着回家与家人团聚,但是中国春运的规模是世界上任何地方都看不到的。今年春节预计有60亿人次出行。除了一些事 故出现人员丧生外,如此庞大的春运井然有序地展开。
外文标题:A Taste of Chinese Hospitality.............Part 1
I started writing this piece soon after returning from a trip to iamen where I had gone to be with my friend during the Chinese Spring Festival break. I thought I will complete it in fifteen-twenty days but it's about three months now and I have just arrived in my description of my journey to iamen. Let me start posting it as I complete writing about my travel by and by.

I am here in China these days. Today, the longest vacation time of the year in China has come to an end as the Chinese are moving back to their places of work from their homes where they go every year during the Spring Festival season, a tradition that has been there since centuries and doesn’t seem to be losing its appeal, much like eating with the Chop sticks. Though Indian festivals of Diwali in the North, Durga Puja in the East and Ganeshotsav in the West do see rush of people heading home for being with their families but nothing of this scale is ever witnessed anywhere else in the world. This year around 6 Billion migrations across the nation are expected to take place during the season. Barring a few accidents and deaths the mega- operation as always has gone on smoothly. No delays in train schedules and no chaos. Everything working with clockwork precision. Though there must have been heavy traffic jams on the roads. The weather too added its share of woes but the enthusiasm of the people didn’t ebb, it never has in carrying this traditions of centuries.

I too decide to have a feel of travelling in China during this season of peak rush and festivity and I expressed my desire to some of my online friends. I checked up with them if they could arrange to book tickets for us for a trip to iamen. Whether my friend in iamen would be willing to host us? How will we feel among the people we have never seen before? How will they feel to have foreigners with them during the days exclusively meant for family reunion? Well, the apprehensions were many and many more were the fears of travelling 1500 Kms. alone in a country where our every spoken word can’t be understood but if you come to China, you will realize that words, your words, aren’t necessary.
People go out of their way to help you, more so when they are wearing uniforms of being public servants, they seem to be carrying on their shoulders the pride of representing a race, a nation which always considered itself the kingdom of heaven and those outside of it as barbarians ( not anymore I would say). Even persistent humiliation at the hands of invading Europeans slowly encroaching upon her land and years of plunder committed by the Japanese didn’t change their mindset. Now memories of that hurt are there and there is a feeling in the sub-conscience that the world, especially the western world is partisan, biased. It doesn’t see China in the right perspective. It doesn’t see the Chinese intellectually, culturally and racially at par with them. It sees them as other races they subjugated and ruled over but do the Chinese care? Nah! Most of them don’t even know if there is any country that exsts beyond the borders of their ‘kingdom of heaven’

karan diwan
Dear Navneetji,
this was my 3rd trip to china, fascinated by the place,we have decades to go before we reach where they are now.enjoY!!
Asha B.A
Thanks for this series. China is one of the places that I want to visit.
After seeing China and and living here for such a long time, I have bouyed and idea of starting an Indo-China tourism facility, I am still hooked on to it and believe that one day I will succeed in doing that. I promise to all my friends here at Sulekha that whenever that happens, the first batch of tourists that I will like get here will be my friends at Sulekha :) So, wait to hear from me. :)))
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