外文标题:India lags behind even Kenya in research: Study
BENGALURU: India has fewer researchers among working people than countries such as Kenya and Chile.
The country has only four researchers for 10,000 working people while Kenya and Chile have six and seven, respectively, according to Scopus database which is the world's largest abstract and citation database on scientific literature.
Analyzing this data, Nature magazine says Brazil, which has been growing scientifically, has 14 researchers per 10,000 working people, and has 18. The UK and the US top the table with 79 researchers each followed by Russia with 58.
Nature Magazine, in its May 2015 report, also said: "India's publications generate fewer citations on an average than those of other science-focused nations, including Brazil and ."
It further states that relative to its size, India has very few scientists and many Indian-born researchers leave for positions abroad, while very few foreign scientists settle in India. According to Scopus data analyzed by Nature, there are only 2 lakh fulltime researchers in India with 14% of them being women.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015062801.html
narasa.rao24 (Hyd)
Half of these 4 for 10,000 may be fake.
Shashi Srivastava (Auckland)
Just might be true
Sainath Kalpathy (Hyderabad)
This statistics is misleading and this no of researchers per capita for a HUGELY populated country like India can perhaps never match the ones like sweden or Norway or even Papua guinea ! so what ? it is QUALITY and Innovation that matters and India is NOT bad in many ways in science n Technology, while we lag behind in social research n upliftment !
印度在科技的许多方面并不差,落后的是社会研究。bitterhoney6 () replies to Sainath Kalpathy
For us Rafale is more important than scientific research. Unless we sort out boundary issues with our neighbors we can not progress and for that we will have to be realistic. If we make every issue a prestige issue, we can not move forward.对我们来说,阵风战机比科学研究更重要
Kudrat ()
We are Indians and we know only degrading religion. And we are puppets in hands of BJP and RSS we chose our PM on basis of religion not ability. But at last we again say we proud to be Indian. So we are nothing but fools please don't compete with us we are losers..
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我们无非是傻瓜而已,别跟我们比,我们是失败者Shashi Srivastava (Auckland) replies to Kudrat
You are a loser.你是失败者
Siddhant Virani () 1 hr ago
......meanwile India is really ahead in research of comparing itself with others.
nan ksn (Unknown)
We are famous for talking BIG and nothing done at ground level..Behave like a super power but hallow inside absolutely..!
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