外文标题:A Taste of Chinese Hospitality.............Part 3
I started going to the shipyard from the very next day of arriving at Gaogang but Andrew found a great company in my wife ( or was it the other way round!!). He was her man Friday. He showed her around the town and showed where she could have or should have meal and where she shouldn’t. Having food outside has always been an enigma for us. We have tried sometimes and failed miserably because we don’t know what we will get served to us even after we somehow manage to place an order. We are from that small percentage of Indians who are non-vegetarians, though we belong to the Brahmin community but to every non-vegetarian Indian, China can be a challenge..
Would you try this.....

or this.......

This picture is of the colony where I live. There are no dogs, the cats and the birds are rarely seen because this is a colony for the human beings and not for a gamut of all the creatures who cohabit with them.

Our residential complex
Traditionally Brahmin s were associated with propagation and preservation of religion, rituals, customs and scriptures of Hinduism. But that was thousands of years ago when the society got divided on the basis of vocation. It’s sad that in India, the caste became a boon for some and a bane of inheritance for other. It was not intended to be so. Now that demarcation is not so rigid. I shouldn’t be saying so because whenever we try to search for a match for our son, the people want to match the intricate details of caste and horoscope. They want to know about the family lineage besides what are the qualifications and the qualities of the boy, so let me modify my statement; seeing from my perspective many people have come out of rigid confines of caste but mostly when they are talking about it in public or speaking about it for others.
The following pictures are of in and around the colony where we live

Gang Cheng Hua Yuan
We looked for a roomy apartment and shifted to it a week after our arrival. By that time Andrew had been to Naning to meet ‘Sunny’ whom he had got acquainted to on my chat forum which I started as a solution to communicate with my Chinese fans desirous of speaking to me.

Unicorn is one great friend who has helped me get over the hurdles of Chinese language which definitely can destroy the plans of weak spirited people like me and shake the determination of great enthusiasts. He lives in Naning. After Andrew met Sunny at Naning and told him about us (me and my wife) and I don’t know what he said because meeting someone in person demolishes the icon one holds in his/her mind. It is more devastating in the case of the writers because people build fine images of their persona based on their ability of putting their thoughts together. It is different in the case of the film personalities because their virtual images are known to the people but writers, many of which go by their nom de plumes live in obscurity and I think they should continue to do that. However, we are all made of flesh and blood and have our foibles and follies but somehow when we size other, we try to be very exacting, we don't make any compromises and concessions. I am a haggard frump and my wife has grown out of proportions. Time has done less damage to us than what we have done to each other.

此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 在华印度人 » Navneet:中国人说“喜欢”不说“爱”(3)