NEW DELHI: India has added 52 million internet users in first six months of the year, taking the total user base to 352 million as on June 30, 2015, industry body IAMAI said.
Interestingly, 213 million (over 60%) users accessed the worldwide web through mobile devices.
"Internet (in India) has reached an inflection point. The consolidated numbers affirm the fact that internet in India has now become inclusive, which augurs well for the industry and society at large," the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) said in a statement.
The number of internet users has grown over 26% from 278 million in October 2014. The number of mobile internet users has also grown about 40% from 159 million users in October last year.
"The internet in India took more than a decade to move from 10 million to 100 million and three years from 100 to 200 million. However, it took only a year to move from 200 to 300 million users. Clearly, internet is mainstream in India today," it said.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015090206.html
Kali Maha Kali
wow cool --guess pokis too have reach 1 million users by now--LoL
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哇, 酷。我猜巴基佬现在的网民数量达到1亿了,哈哈
Born In January
Interesting fact..... "The internet in India took more than a decade to move from 10 million to 100 million and three years from 100 to 200 million. However, it took only a year to move from 200 to 300 million users."... wow Awesome...
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Shabir Magar
Hope with these growing number of users in India, the services of the service providers will improve, the main problem to call drops still is in investigation stage, net services are very slow.
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Easwar Arumugam
Very gratifying news.A tech-savvy Indian is the country's asset.
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Swaroop Kyanam
Good move by the Indians. Only thing is that they have to come out of the Dirty Mindset that they Should get Subsidies and Sops.
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