Teabola Is ARepublican STD 6 hours ago 6 7
Who the hell wouldwant to fly on a plane made with Chinese parts?
mark 12 hours ago14 6
Russia and Chinahas surpassed the US military in technology by working together.
Sagan 19 hours ago20 26
How much vodkawill it take to get passengers willing to board?
BigAl 12 hours ago9 7
Combined China& Russia probably graduate 100 quality engineers for every US engineeringgraduate.
Now factor in theloss of the ExIm bank and Russia's ability to source raw materials atextraordinarily low cost and this is a very serious competitive threat.
AsiaTique 10 hoursago 7 3
Compete withAirbus made by EU & Boeing - however, the price tags and reliability haveto go altogether to get the market shares. Just look at Huyndai... 10 years agoand now....
Gary Wilson 18hours ago 13 9
Everything Chinaand Russia make is GARBAGE !!
This is whyneither sell cars in the US..
If i'm going up inthe air for 6 hours it sure the h'e.ll is not going to be in a plane made inChina,
shlomofekstain 16hours ago 3 12
This will helpRussia and China bypass sanctions. Sales will be in either Yuan or Rubles.
Tlmack_18 14 hoursago 4 5
All the certifiedcommercial aircraft around the world contain mainly US and European systems andengines. Every time China or Russia want to build a new commercial airliner itjust means more American jobs.
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