KARIMNAGAR: Humiliated after being made to stand outside the classroom by his school 'correspondent' for not being able to pay Rs 7,000 towards school fees and facing the prospect of not being allowed to take the quarterly examinations, E Santosh Reddy, a 15-year-old Class X student, committed suicide by jum in front of a train here on Wednesday.
The case came to light late on Thursday when the police identified a body found on the railway tracks near Peddapalli railway station as that of Santosh.
The death is a telling commentary on the precarious exstence of debt-ridden farmers and their families in Telangana. In the past one year, as per government data, 689 farmers took their own lives unable to bear the crushing burden of debts (opposition parties put the figure at 1,300).
Santosh's father is a farmer ho to get some returns on cotton he planted in his three acres this year. Srinivas Reddy said on Friday that he told his son he was not in a position to pay Rs 7,000 right away and would need to borrow the money. "The total fees owed to the school for the year is Rs 12,000," he said. "We already paid Rs 5,000 and told the school that we will pay the rest as soon as we can. That is what I also told my son on Wednesday afternoon when he came home for lunch."

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015100301.html
Appa Durai
Trelangana is shining under KCRs rule. Farmersfollowed by students are committing suicides
Shaikh Meeran
Hundreds of thousands of parents and their wards are struggling to pay College and School fees. I have come across few such cases and helped them at the level best. Our PM has no time to look into the matter and he is busy touring all round the world. Our rich business people are ready to donate lakhs of Rupees to politicians to create influence, but they are not ready to help poor student to pursue their studies. If our Governments will not look into the matter to help such students, our Country would have to witness such thousands of suicidal incidents. This is the single incident came to light. There might be thousands of such incidents which would have not come to books. Every Business house should come forward to adopt few such students and good salaried employees could also extend their possible financial assistance for the cause.
Too sad to hear this !!! 15 years old boy, his parents will die everyday !!
Alok Kumar
The research works on farmer suicide should be complete with land holdings of farmers taking such extreme steps and than we should have a brainstorming session as whether the holding is sufficient for livelihood or we have gone to extremes without doing baseworks for the sake of political milage. Unless marginal farmers takes alternate source of income, nothing is going to work.
srinivas ganti
Its time we invest in education. In my view, there should not be any private sector participation in education and it should be solely the Government's accountability to ensure quality education is available to all at least till 10th standard. I also feel the school management is not at fault as they are into this business and would need to extract Payment from every student to meet their expenses alongside the profit margins. This is a systemic flaw and there shouldn't be any misdirected indictment on the school.
Naveen Kasyap Kambhatla
very sad to hear that the student committed suicide, the school management has no right to punish the students if the school fees is not paid by the parent.
srinivas ganti
RIP Santosh Reddy....this country is guilty of not providing you basic education!!!
Madan Mohan
Sad ! No point expecting politicians to do some good work .Genuine and well known NGOs act .We know it is another Racket is the NGOs also
Z Pardiwalla
I don't know when will India develop
Lilly Lilly
Santosh Reddy.....may you rest in peace and sorry this no good world let you down!
A report is too late!
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