

Man mortgages wife for Rs 30,000, kills lender later


CHANDIGARH: A bizarre case of a man first giving his wife to a friend as collateral for Rs 30,000 loan and later murdering him for seeking extra money to release her, came to light on Monday. These details emerged when Yamunanagar police solved the two-week mystery of 35-year-old Mohammad Golam's murder.


Golam, a native of Arriya district of Bihar, was settled in Yamunanagar for the past two-and-a-half years. In January this year, he had given a loan of Rs 30,000 to Sabir Ali, another migrant from Bihar, who ran a tiffin service and provided labourers to contractors in Yamunanagar and Jagadhari. Golam was into the business of cotton processing and quilting and used to have food prepared by Salma, Sabir's wife.

Golam是比哈尔邦阿利亚县的居民,过去两年半定居亚穆纳讷格尔。今年1月份,他借3万卢比给另一位来自比哈尔邦的移民萨比尔(Sabir Ali),后者从事午餐递送服务,并为承建商找劳工。而Golam从事的是棉花加工生意,常常向萨比尔的妻子萨尔玛(Salma)叫餐。

According to police, in January, Sabir 'mortgaged' Salma to Golam, who took her to his house in Arjun Nagar of Jagadhari city of Yamunanagar. In March, Golum and Salma went to his native village in Bihar and later travelled to other places in Himachal Pradesh.

In September, when the season of refilling of quilts began, they came back to Yamunanagar to take care of Golam's business. The two were still living together till October 31, when Golam was found bludgeoned to death.



"According to Sabir's confession, the dispute began when he went to Golam to get his wife released after repayment of Rs 30,000, three months ago. But Golam sought Rs 20,000 more as interest. Sabir claims he even paid this additional amount on October 31, but Golam refused to let Salma go. Following this he, along with his wife, hatched the conspiracy to kill Golam," said DSP Rainder Kumar, who is supervising the investigations in the case.

根据萨比尔的供认,3个月前偿还3万卢比后,他去找Golam 要回妻子,争议随之开始。

Golam当时要求支付2万卢比的利息。萨比尔在10月31日付了这笔钱,但是Golam 拒绝让萨尔玛回去。


Police said that Golam was first strangulated and then beaten to death by Sabir and his friends —Akhtar, a resident of Hamida, and Gaurav. Sabir, Akhtar and Salma have been arrested, while police are conducting raids on the possible hideouts of Gaurav, said inspector Sandeep Kumar, in-charge of detective staff.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015111702.html

News Maker

This news is completely fabricated and twisted... the words are used to attract the reader and commenters...


rajaram manyam
The story of Mahabharata.


candu with time

What a bizarre story. Why M..ies treat womenfolks as commodity to hypothicate as collateral ? Common Civil Law in India is over due.



Gursharan Singh

Indians need to understand that wife is a human beings and is not a property and can not be mortgaged.


Dil Hai Hindustani

Was Golam slee with Salma as well? T0I should clear that doubt for readers.

Golam 是不是也与萨尔玛睡在一起?


Ram Babu

Shocking ! Even crime has devised new untested tactics in our modern times !


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 为了借3万卢比,印度一男子把妻子抵押出去

