Hyderabad: A day after the body of a class X student from Begum Bazar was found stuffed in a carton and abandoned near an eatery in Secunderabad, police have reportedly picked up three suspects for their role in the gruesome murder from Vijayawada. The suspects were picked up based on mobile phone tower location. The boy was kidnapped for a ransom of Rs 10 crore, but he was killed before the family could arrange the money.
海德拉巴:一位十年级男生的尸体被发现在小饭店附近的一个纸板箱。一天后, 有报道称警方已经通过手机定位抓捕了3名嫌疑犯。男生被绑架,赎金为一亿卢比,然而家人还没筹集到钱他就被杀了。
Around 11 pm, Gopalpuram police were alerted about a boy's body, in a crouching position with limbs bound by wires, found stuffed in a carton and abandoned near Alpha Hotel near the Secunderabad railway station. A team was dispatched to the location and other police stations in the city were intimated about the discovery. The Shahinayathgunj police responded and sent a profile of a 15-year-old teenager, Abhay Madhani, who went missing from Begum Bazar at 3 pm. Earlier in the day, the family members had received a ransom call too. Police got confirmation that the body was that of Abhay.
大约晚上11点,警方接到发现男孩尸体的报告,男孩保持着下蹲姿势,手脚被电线绑着,被装在一个纸板箱里,遗弃在火车站周围的阿尔法酒店附近。警方派出一个小队前往现场。前一天,家人还收到索要赎金的电话。经过与15岁男孩Abhay Madhani资料的对比,警方确认被发现的尸体就是Abhay
A CCTV footage showed the boy pillion riding a scooter driven by an unidentified man near his house.
Kumar, who owns a plastic company, begged the caller to release his son and expressed his inability to mobilise Rs 10 crore. In his phone conversation with the abductors of the boy, Kumar expressed his inability to mobilise such a huge sum and, instead, offered Rs 5 lakh in cash and gold worth Rs 10 lakh.

The kidnapper shot back, "What rubbish are you talking. If you want safe return of your son, arrange at lease Rs 5 crore and send the cash to the Secunderabad railway station and your son will be released by 6 am on Thursday." By 11 pm, the boy was smothered to death. His body was bound by wires, put in a carton and abandoned near Alpha Hotel.
The family members of the victim were shattered on hearing the news. Police took the telephone number from the family and tracked down three persons, who were aboard a train heading towards Vijayawada. They were reportedly taken into custody. It is learnt that the suspects were former workers of Kumar's plastic company. Police also have CCTV footage of the culprits, who left the carton at Alfa Hotel.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2016031803.html
Lakshmi Narayanan
Family was arranging 10 crore - r they kidding? Article reports the suspects were picked up based in mobile location..they need not reveal that..now our honourable courts will reduce death penalty awarded by sessions court to life sentence n human ri hts will welcome it. Hang them immediately.
Kapil Lakra
Unless there is fear of law this will continue like this only.
Nam Singh
Absolutely. No leniency for killers with such cruel mentality!!
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