These stomach-churning images were taken by a group of rebellious teens who happily risked their lives for the ultimate tourist snap - taken 1381ft above the ground.
Andrej Ciesielski, 18, captured the incredible images after sneaking past security guards and scaling the in Mao Tower in Shanghai, China, with two pals.
The trio climbed ladders on the outside of the building to take pictures right at the very top - aware that the slightest slip would mean certain death.
18岁的Andrej Ciesielski,偷偷躲过保安,和两个伙伴一起爬上上海的金茂大厦,拍下了这些不可思议的照片。

But despite getting some top-notch snaps, the group were spotted by nearby office workers - and were met by police when they arrived back in the building's lobby, before being carted off to a Chinese police cell and questioned for seven hours.
Andrej said: 'This was the third time my friends and I had attempted to do this climb.
'I wasn't scared of climbing, only of getting caught.

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