Bengaluru: It's 1.30pm. The bright sun is blazing on water-starved Hittala Shirur village of Aland taluk in Kalaburagi, some 650 km from Bengaluru. Scores of people carrying pots queue up before a water tanker.
当地时间下午1:30分。缺水的Hittala Shirur村艳阳高照,该村距离班加罗尔大约650公里。许多人带着盆盆罐罐在水罐车面前排队取水。
Men, women and children jostle for space to fill a pot of water. Many fall down, only to try again. Bheemappa Hulambi, an elderly villager, watches them unperturbed. Though such scenes have been a regular feature him for a decade, Bheemappa says he has not seen such despair earlier. "There isn't a drop of water in our village and we have only two options: migrate or suffer till some good rain," he said.
男男女女,还有小孩争着填满一壶水。许多人被挤倒,然后又重新来。一位年老的村民 Bheemappa Hulambi,平静的在看着。虽然这场面他已经见过10年,然而他说自己以前从未看到人们如此绝望。"我们村一滴水都没有,我们只有两个选择:要么迁走,要么一直忍着等下雨。"
This are the scenes in about 600 villages in 137 of the total 176 taluks of Karnataka, facing a severe drinking water crisis owing to one of the worst droughts since 1972. A majority of these villages are in 12 districts of north Karnataka.
According to officials, district administrations have been supplying water through tankers to about 800 and several villages have been left in the lurch. On paper, a tanker visits villages every day, but people claim a tanker visits a village once in 2-3 days. "This is the only source of drinking water. Else, we need to walk a few kilometres to a pond," says an elderly woman. The water scarcity has forced villagers to skip baths and postpone marriages in villages. And the situation of animals is worse.
And some major cities and towns are feeling the pinch with the water level in 13 major dams nearing dead storage. "The condition of cities is more difficult than of villages because of their size and complete dependence on dam water," said a senior official of urban development department. The government has issued direction to reserve the available water for drinking purpose. "Cities, including Bengaluru and Mysuru, can be assured of supply till June end. Then it is all up to the rains to fill our dams," said water resources minister MB Patil.

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2016040403.html
Abinesh Krishna
Some of people are always waiting for a chance to blame gov. This article says itself that this happens after many decades. How anyone blame gov?????
idiots .......
We all are reason for this. .. Altogether we have to plant trees. Gov can only make some temporary arrangements but for a safe tomorrow we have to unite fist
Vishnu Sharma
Remember: No government machinery will ever help to improve this situation. S, stop looking towards them. Only social co-operation can help to refill the ground water lever & a strict water-harvesting culture by all people of the locality will be helpful. This monsoon, try and get as much water percolated in the ground as possible, that is the ONLY way out.
Ramchandra Hegde
India should start building desalination plants now, though it is expensive !!!
印度开始建脱盐工厂吧, 虽然成本高!
Irfan Alavi
its high time we learn water conservation
Ankita Singh
And still we are not building lakes and ponds and small water reservoirs for the rainy season. India is a travesty of civic manegement - we have floods and we have droughts
Bharat Maa
We will get water from SaudiaArabia.
Niraj Baua
water crisis will increase. people who get water are wasting it.
In rainy season people and politicians forget and ignore about summer season
It's quite sad
W B New
Control your population. You will survive.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 社会 » 几十年一遇的旱灾致水荒,印度村民被迫不洗澡,推迟结婚