Roads in Gaogang
Cross-Roads in Gaogang
Last year, when PM visited Chandigarh for inauguration of the new airport, in his schedule was also included inauguration of a housing colony for Economically Weaker Section, but when he reached there, it was visible even to him that the construction was far from complete. It infuriated him. He asked a report on the matter and many skeletons fell out from the proverbial cupboard and a few scapegoats sacrificed. It's different here in China. I see hundreds of projects going on in full swings but I have never seen any politicians or administrative heads going about merrily cutting ribbons and getting photographed, standing next to the plaques extolling them. This is perhaps mainly because they don't have to go before the people with their report cards every five years for begging favors for being re-elected.
Landsca before..People move in
Before the people start moving in here, everything, even the landsca is finished to the last detail. In Chandigarh the Administration has been planning to construct a flyover at the first major cross roads at the entrance to the town, a square called “Tribune Chowk”, for last one decade, because the traffic has grown manifold and the roads designed fifty years ago can't simply handle it. I think it will take at least another decade for the first bridge to come up, assuming all sanctions are in place and the money for it has been arranged and the need for such a flyover at every such crossing is urgent.
A VIP Cavalcade in India- Pic from Internet
I do not see any movement of cavalcades of VIPs and cordoning of roads by a posse of policemen, putting common citizens to unnecessary inconvenience. I don’t see any large gathering of crowd with people cheering, lustily at some punch lines being delivered by charismatic orator promising to bring stars down on earth if voted to power. I don’t see cops anywhere. Except for some traffic cops on duty at certain cross-roads during rush hours of the morning and evening, I don’t see them ever, but if there’s an accident or signs of some skirmish, which itself is a rare sight, they arrive in minutes.
There are huge gardens here in this town, Let me post some pictures from the window of this new apartment where we have recently shifted.
In Chandigarh, the entrance of every small patch of land which one may reluctantly agree to call as a Park, there’s a plaque extolling who the hell inaugurated it, as if the people care to know.
Kee the Spirit of Le-Carbusier alive- Traffic Jam in Chandigarh ( Picture from Internet)
But idol worship is the basic tenet of Hinduism and using it as a tool to inflate ego is the natural fall out of it and thus the demigods without ever caring to spare a thought if any virtue of the worshipped deities is there in them or not, fill their chests with pride at every opportunity.
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