

Indian men think stalking women is normal


The men clearly thought it was okay to stalk the woman, that it was acceptable. A number of boys, in fact, believe that.
Boys are not taught to respect a woman's consent or lack of it. So, you have the editor of a news magazine reportedly brushing aside a woman's objection to his sexual advances because he reads a 'yes' into her 'no'.




And you have a political stalwart like Mulayam Singh Yadav dismissing questions about a rape case with a nonchalant 'Boys will be boys'.
And also, you have Janata Dal-United leader Sharad Yadav saying in Parliament, 'Who among us has not followed girls?' in effect saying that stalking is a 'harmless' activity.
Sharad Yadav's remarks came during the debate on the anti-rape Bill in the Lok Sabha in 2013 following the brutal gang rape and subsequent death of a young woman in a private bus on December 16, 2012 in Delhi. He was challenging the provisions to make stalking a crime.

你也可以看到一个类似Mulayam Singh Yadav的政客以“男孩子终究是男孩子”的冷漠态度无视了一个强奸案问题。

你还可以听到Janata Dal-United的领导人Sharad Yadav在议会中说,“我们当中有谁没有追过女孩?实际上,跟踪是一种‘无害’的活动”。这个言论出现在2013年一场关于2012年年末发生的新德里公交轮奸死亡案的辩论中,他在挑战有关跟踪犯罪的规定。

Even before the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, which followed the December 2012 gang rape and which strengthened laws related to sexual offences came into effect, the Indian Penal Code defined rape as sexual intercourse by a man with a woman without her consent or when consent was obtained through deception or threat.
The Justice Verma committee report, the recommendations of which formed the basis of the more stringent rape law, further defined the term 'consent' as an 'unequivocal voluntary agreement when the woman by words, gestures or any form of verbal or non-verbal communication, communicates willingness to participate in the specified sexual act'.



Where does consent feature for the boys and men who indulge in stalking, molestation, rape, acid attacks and so on? Clearly very low.

The vehicles have evolved, the mindset hasn't. And it won't, not until boys are reformed to understand, imbibe and espouse the importance of consent.




译文来源:三泰虎  https://www.santaihu.com/43492.html


by logical indian (View MyPage)
True. Indian men have no respect for women. I have also seen and recognized this




by Truth Prevails (View MyPage)
Do not generalise it. It is just few black sheep



by S M (View MyPage)
In Movies from 1970-1990s every hero worth his salt would stalk women singing songs to them. Right from Rajendra Kumar to dharmendra, rishi kapoor, govinda etc.
Step 1- Stalk woman
Step 2- walk behind her singing songs
Step 3- Tell your friends to molest her and then pretend to beat then back
Step 4- She falls in love With you
Step 5-Profit

在1970 - 1990年代的电影里,每一个值得称颂的英雄都会跟着唱着歌的女人。从Rajendra Kumar到Dharmendra,Rishi kapoor, Govinda等。(注:都是印度著名的电影演员)



by piri (View MyPage)
And they made such movies only because of one reason - that the great majority of Indian commoners, especially north Indian ones, are stupxd beyond redemption and so would flock to see such movies !



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