What would you change about India if you had absolute power for 5 years?
译文来源;三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/43523.html
[–]boredmonkEternal Optimist
Tax the shit out of religious institutions.向宗教机构征税。
it has to begin with education...first i would amalgamate the swiss and japanese education system and make it mandatory for all the schools linked to all the recognised boards.
second would be shifting reservation from caste based to one based on economic condition.
third would be increasing the number of police personnel as well as limiting their duties to 8 hours a day just like any other job.
fourth will be the building of proper and adequate godowns and cold storage facilities so that food can be properly stocked ( about 50% is lost in the current scenario).
liberalise the buisness policies in order to allow companies to invest in the infrastructure easily because let's face it, it's a straining task to open up a branch or a factory in India.
will invest about 6% of the budget in education sector building more colleges and schools for students for first 3 years and then cap it at 5 for next 2.从教育开始。
I don't think the quantity of colleges and schools is a huge problem. A bigger issue is that the vast majority of them are absolute shit.我不觉得学院学校的数量是问题,更大的问题是它们绝大多数是垃圾。
Also increase spending on health. The current budget allocation of 1% of GDP is pathetic.也要增加关于健康的支出,目前的预算分配是GDP的1%真是可怜。
[–]Thesharkbreed 3
exactly...i feel that the two foundations that can create a strong nation i.e healthcare and education are the most neglected topics in the general budget...it might be planned in order to let private sector put it up general public's arse.确实。我感觉这俩就可以建造一个强大的国家了,医疗保健和教育真的是常规预算中最容易忽视的话题。或许要计划着让私人部门将它提升到公众的水平。
If you're going to join politics - consider net neutrality to be a major agenda.如果你想参政,请让网络中立成为一个重要议题。
[–]FailMangosandaas wahi banega
Religion. I will fucking eradicate and obliterate religion.宗教,我TMD想消灭根除宗教。
[–]prophecyandpopcornunemployed bro!
Any plans on how you will do that?那你想怎么做?
[–]this_is_uni_usernameEnjoying your freedom of blabbering, eh?
Same way Mao and Lenin and Stalin did, they succeeded didn't they?像毛、、斯大林那样做?他们成功了吗?
[–]FailMangosandaas wahi banega
No. :(
That's the sad part. These plans to finish religion will have many shortcomings. And moreover, they cannot be implemented in India. At best we can come down heavily on organised religion and religious educational institutions.没,这就是悲哀的地方。结束宗教会造成很多问题。而且,他们(的办法)不能在印度实施。最好我们可以大量减少宗教组织和宗教教育机构。
It's possible. Markus Wolf, late spymaster of East Germany said 'control the schools, you control the children. Control the children and you control the future'.
It'll take a while, more like 50 years than 5, but it has a pretty good chance of working.
N.B. also consider Co unist countries. The USSR never was very tough on religion, they never officially acknowledged it but the Russian Orthodox Church was very much a thing. But does it very well. Even the hint of association with religion can get your Party membership pulled and if you're not a Party member you don't get anywhere in .有可能。已故的特务首脑马库斯·沃尔夫曾说过,“控制学校,就是控制孩子。”控制孩子就可以控制(国家的)未来了。
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