Why is it frowned upon to marry a woman who has been divorced, especially ones with kids?
Does anyone have experience feeling looked down upon? Or know anyone who has?
I'm sure it gets better with time but what can be done to develop a thick skin and maintain sane while living amongst and meeting distant family.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/43532.html
A notion that the woman is 'used'.有一个观念是,离异女人是二手货。
Long story short: people like to think that "there was a reason behind the divorce"
Which creates a bad mentality towards divorced people长话短说,人们倾向认为离婚是有原因的。
frivolous reasons are still good enough reasons .both men and women have been known to divorce because their partner wasnt good looking enough,or they fell out of "love".
would you deny them the freedom to choose their own partner?琐碎的理由仍是最好的理由,男男女女都知道离婚是因为伴侣不够漂亮,或者无爱了。
I think you're forgetting the crux of this discussion: these reasons add a stigma, no matter how frivolous they may be. Should it be assumed to be your fault if your partner fell out of love because they met someone new?我认为你忘了这些讨论的关键:无论这些理由多琐碎,都增加了污名。如果你们的伴侣因为遇见了新的人而失去了爱,那是你的错吗?
In addition to the 'used' notion, the assumption that the woman is not good at maintaining a relationship and hence likely to divorce again.除了“二手货”的概念,也会假设女人不擅长维持关系并可能再次离婚。
Doesn't the same apply to men also though maybe to a lesser extent? My uncle was divorced and he would only get rishtas from other divorced women. Which sounds fair to me.离婚男人不也一样吗?可能程度轻一点。我叔离婚了,他只能再找其他离异女性。我觉得这是公平的。
It applies to men too, but to a lesser extent. Men, even when divorced, are 'users' in the eyes of the patriarchy while women are the 'used'.
I somewhat disagree. A divorced man enjoys the privilege of being a male only if he is rich imo. A poor, divorced man has no gender-based advantage in the marriage market.有些我不同意,一个离过婚的男人也只有在有钱的时候才能享受男人的特权,贫穷的离异男人在婚姻市场上没有性别优势。
People who have come out of relationships come with baggage. Emotional baggage is just one thing. But in the case of divorce with children, the other parent may have visitation rights.从一段关系中走出的人们会带着包袱,情感包袱只是一件,万一是带孩子的离异人士,另一个父母可能会探视。
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