

India no country for expats, finds poll

The reputations of the US and UK as good places to live and work are in free fall among some of the world's most mobile and cosmopolitan people.


Since last year's presidential and Brext votes, both the US and UK are perceived as less friendly to foreigners and less politically stable, according to a survey of 13,000 expatriates of 166 nationalities. Expats also say the two countries' quality of life is declining by other measures, especially the affordability of child care and health care in the US and housing in the UK.



The Expat Insider survey is conducted each year by InterNations, a network of 2.8 million expats based in Munich. It aims to capture the views of millions of executives, skilled workers, students and retirees who live outside the country where they grew up. There are about 50 million expats worldwide, according to market research by Finaccord.


The top-ranked country in 2017 is Bahrain, given high marks by its expats as a place to work and raise a family and for making foreigners feel welcome. Greece was at the very bottom of the list, weighed down by its economic problems.


India is one of the least favourite places to live and work in for expats, according to the poll. It ranks among the bottom 10 on the list.


One of the expats' favorite places to work is , where two-thirds of respondents are happy with their careers. But ranks 55 out of 65 because of quality of life.


The UK ranks 54, down 21 places from last year's survey , after Brext. Before the vote, 77% of expats in the UK had a favorable opinion of nation's political stability- down to 47% this year. The US is ranked 43rd, 17 places lower than last year.


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/43535.html


Rohan Seth-Location-5 hours ago
India is no place for Indians to live in.



Sugath Palan Rohan Seth-Mysore-2 hours ago
Nobody would choose to seek refuge in India unless they were caught between the real devil and the real deep sea.



Nam Singh Rohan Seth-3 hours ago
Politicians only care about sprucing up the areas and palatial houses they live in and rest of population may rot !!



John Doe-5 hours ago
In a way, thank god! The country''s already bursting with people. Expats can wait until we solve our population problem and associated quality of life issues.



Cosmic john doe-Lohe ki Kadai-5 hours ago
Yes and ur country is bursting with low quality uneducated people .. good ones are leaving .. good luck



Indian Budy john doe-4 hours ago
Its a shame for us, people prefer good places, no expats means we are not good for visitors.



rohan-india-5 hours ago
India has become a Haven under RSS rule. Why should Hindu Indians go elsewhere to earn and live in ?



Mohan rohan -india-4 hours ago
To eat Beef ! LoL



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