


Why Japan is pouring lakhs of crores in cut-rate loans to build infrastructure across India



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/43559.html


[–]FailMangosandaas wahi banega 59 points 1 day ago
Japan, please launch Nintendo in India officially already!! >.<



[–]Not_a_kulcha 32 points 1 day ago
I for one am looking forward to anime getting mainstream appeal here. I'm ready for some sweet waifus.



[–]_Evil_monk_Uttar Pradesh 33 points 1 day ago
makes sense for us to be close with Japanese.their economy is in shits and they are looking for foreign investment to boost their growth but most importantly with heavy Japanese investment we would be diversifying our fdi sources and also balancing out .



[–]quinoa515 2 points 13 hours ago
their economy is in shits and they are looking for foreign investment to boost their growth
Foreign investment will increase when the economy is good, since the excess money will need to have a place to be invested, and not overheat the economy. If Japan's economy is bad, they should increase investment in their own country, and not increase foreign investment.




[–]pakaomat 35 points 1 day ago*
With loans, Japan brings in Japanese firms to these infrastructure project too. A lot of contracts goes to Japanese firms whether it's Delhi metro or other infra projects.
With soft loans, Japan ensures that Japanese firms have better chances of wng big contracts. The money they invest eventually earns value though these contracts and not as much through interests.




[–]NeuroticKnightUniverse 2 points 17 hours ago
If Japan works in japan most of the staff will be japanese, few of the bosses would be japanese. But by working on other countries they can elevate more people into higher roles, making not just more profit but also increasing class strata of communities. This is similar reason is doing all over the world. It is so more of its people can perform as leaders rather than workers.



[–]CrimiLayer 10 points 1 day ago
They are doing what the are doing with Africa. Adopting poor countries and investing huge to get return on massive scale.
gifted 37 world class Soccer Stadiums to African nations as a gesture of goodwill. C'mon Japs, where's our gift?




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