India is fucked
Today's India has a huge under or ill-educated young population that does not have the skills to get the few good quality jobs that are around. This population is set to increase for next 2 decades at least before the net population stabilizes.
The BJP is banking on this support base - under or ill-educated young population. They can be easily manipulated, incited in the name of religion, caste or language. As long as BJP is successful in convincing the youth that "others" - minorities, secular, leftists etc. - are the cause of their lack of job opportunities etc., they will continue to win elections.
So while piecemeal economic developments like demonetisation and GST might be significant to some educated members in the society, they will have no impact on the youth who have been rendered numb and unthinking with the opium of religious hatred coupled with a dismal jobless economy. Most likely, they will join the RSS' paramilitary brigades.
[–]goldspots 140 points 16 hours ago
shouldn't we be investing in primary and secondary education and bring out more skill full youth instead of teaching them plumbing when they grow up ?
Having a large workforce(youth) is good.
Having a large youth without proper skillset is a danger.难道我们不该投资于中小学教育,在青春时期赋予更多技能,而不是在他们长大的时候教会他们管道工作吗?
[–]TejasaK 34 points 15 hours ago
bring out more skill full youth instead of teaching them plumbing when they grow up ?
Do you have any idea how much a good plumber earns these days ?你知道一个好的管道工人这些天赚多少钱吗?
[–]mrfreeze2000 86 points 13 hours ago
Do you have any idea that these well earning plumbers are only limited to posh areas of metro cities?
Ask what a plumber earns even a tier 1 town like Jaipur. Lets not even talk about tier 2 and 3 towns. Or villages, where all of India lives practically
This sub is filled with people extrapolating their immediate realities to the rest of the population which, frankly, doesnt look anything like them你知道这些赚得很好的管道工人仅限于大都市的高档住宅区?
[–]HairyBlighter 3 points 14 hours ago
That's because they're not skilled. They just wing it. They're not trained to follow safety standards and procedures.那是因为他们不熟练,仅仅是临时应付。他们没有接受过安全标准和程序的培训。
[–]ForgetPants 16 points 14 hours ago
They're not trained because in those villages and tier 2/3 cities, no one really cares about safety standards. When money is tight and you need to get work done, you look for the cheapest option.
It may not be the smart move, but its the only move some can afford.他们没接受训练是因为在这些乡镇或者2~3线城市中没人真正在乎安全标准。资金紧张的时候,你想要完成工作,你就得找最便宜的选择。
[–]svmk1987 17 points 8 hours ago
Cops in UP found out that supplies for a schools midday meal scheme was redirected to a cow shelter. This is how much we care about education and well being of our kids.UP的警察们发现,给一所学校供应午餐的计划被转移给一座牛棚。这就是我们对教育和孩子的关心程度。
[–]goldspots 3 points 19 hours ago*
why invest in both school eduction and teaching plumbing when you can do better with a better school eduction ?如果你能接受更好的学校教育,为什么还要投资于学校教育和管道教学呢?
[–]TejasaK 27 points 19 hours ago
why invest in both school eduction and plumbing when you can do better with a better school eduction ?
Because society needs plumbers as much as it need your regular white collar IT guy ? Actually society needs plumbers more than it needs IT guys right now. There is a definite shortage of skilled plumbers.因为社会需要管道工人,就像需要你正规白领IT男一样。实际上,比起IT男现在的社会更需要管道工人。熟练的管道工人明显缺乏。
[–]CrimiLayer 14 points 18 hours ago
No self respecting high caste Hindu will take such an untouchable job such as plumbing, swee, cleaning, cobbling, woodworking, Iron casting, or any other 3rd class job. That's what it is termed as, a 3rd class. Parents don't dream their kids to become one even after school education. They are forced to go for an education where they don't have any skills but are sent anyways.没有自尊的高种姓的印度人会从事贱民工作,诸如管道、清扫、清洁、砌补、木工、铸铁或其他三等工作。这被称之为第三等。即使在学校教育之后,父母也不希望自己的孩子从事这一类工作。他们被迫接受教育,在那里他们没有任何技能,但却被送去了。
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