[–]mrfreeze2000 16 points 17 hours ago
BJP is actually reducing investments in education and health sectors
And somehow no one seems to give a shit about it人民党实际上减少了教育和医疗部门的投资,不知为何没人在乎的样子。
[–]dbaazMaharashtra 54 points 18 hours ago
It isn't just India. The world is fucked.
Corps and Governments have too much power, and the common folk don't and all we can do is slow it down. You can see this happening here, and in the US. Money always wins and there is nothing you can do, maybe except improve yourself and become part of the 1%.不只是印度,全世界都失败了。警察和政府有太多权力,普通老百姓没有,我们所能做的事情就是放慢它的速度。你可以看到这不止在这里发生,美国也是。金钱总是赢家,你什么都不能做,或许除了提升你自己并成为1%的一部分。
[–]mrfreeze2000 14 points 17 hours ago
This is eeriely similar to the conditions that led to the second world war
We are going to have a third one within our lifetimes.
Be prepared这与二战引发的条件有诡异的相似,在我们的有生之年要做好准备迎接第三次世界大战了。
[–]Awkward-Indian 10 points 17 hours ago
History repeats itself. It's a cycle. This will pass too.历史会重演,这是一个循环,这也将会过去。
[–]a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1 7 points 17 hours ago
I believe we are going to have french revolution part 2 in our life time.我认为我们将在我们生活中拥有法国大革命的第二部分。
[–]mrfreeze2000 5 points 15 hours ago
Yup. People electing Trump was just a preview. Whatever is going to come after him is going to be far worse对,人们选举特朗普只是一个预演,随他而来的无论发生什么,都会让事情变得更糟。
[–]PracticallyIndian 64 points 19 hours ago
Implying that BJP is somehow responsible for vote bank politics in India. India has been fucked since its inception - be a positive force and do good, you'll make a difference.意味着人民党无论如何都要为印度投票银行的政治负责。印度自成立之初就已经失败了——成为一个积极的力量并做好,你就有所作为。
[–]toifeld 28 points 18 hours ago
Monthly "India is fucked thread".
For four years, I've been here its always the same thing every month some noob comes here and spouts this thread月经贴。我在这里呆了4年了,每个月总会有新人到这儿发同样内容的帖子。
[–]thirsty-afAgenda Uncha Rahe Hamara 43 points 20 hours ago
If only Congress had realised this danger and didn't leave the country in such a state when it was ruling for almost 50 years要是国大党执政50年间能意识到这个危险,并不让这个国家保持如此状态,那就好了。
[–]ask_me_if_im_tired 12 points 19 hours ago
Yea Man, but we are here. Congress or BJP it is the same shit. Volunteer man to teach, at the least if we start today. Even if we are able to change a single child's future. Maybe in 300-400 years, India will become better. A realistic number for change is at the least 100 years. Nothing is going to change in 30-40 years like Modi kaka promises.是啊,但我们在这里。国大党和人民党都是一样的。至少如果我们从今天开始,志愿去教,即使我们能改变一个孩子的未来,或许能在300~400年内让印度变得更好。改变的实在数字至少是100年。像莫迪所承诺的那样,在30~40年内不会有什么改变的。
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