

Sudeep-2 hours ago
it's good sign, If girls and boys are equally involved in the economical growth of the country. besides this the poor, illiterates, people living in villages or remote locations need to be linked in the economical growth of the country.Such steps can accelerate the country's economic growth and not only eliminate poverty but can make India very powerful nation.



Ivan Bigger-Trump Manor-3 hours ago
Considering the fact that 97 pc of our stem graduates are unemployable, we should not give in to any urge to celebrate...we have a long way to go as far as quality is concerned...



Sathish S-4 hours ago
Disgusting news. Stop educating girls above class 10. Teach them to cook. Most educated girls turn into modern day prostitutes to get to higher posts and ranks. Women should be kept where she belong. KITCHEN.


Harry Das Sathish S-N York-10 hours ago
Pity your father forgot to buy condom!



Amit-Bangalore-5 hours ago
Women are getting vip treatment everywhere with so many laws and facilities still feminists will crib for quota and other anti men laws. We men give our lives for this nation and we are not even recognised. All because of anti men sentiment in society.



Sanjoy Pandey-Kolkata-6 hours ago
This is good for the country. An educated mother can bring up an educated citizen in future.



Debanjan Chakraborty-6 hours ago
That means now Girls should now come forward and share the same economic responsibility of a family. That is good news indeed



Bablu-chandrapur-6 hours ago
Now government should bring male reservation quota.



Aami Das-5 hours ago
300 million students ? wtf ... I do not see 300 million jobs in the near future ...



PremAnand aka Ed Drw-3 hours ago
I meant. One of Pappu paid adviser looking at Pappu photo says. --- Another way to get number up is through SSex change ---


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