India now has 3rd highest number of cancer cases among women
NEW DELHI: Cancer cases as well as mortality are increasing rapidly among Indian women, primarily because of low awareness and late detection. India accounts for the third highest number of cancer cases among women after and the US, growing annually at 4.5-5%, new data shows.
新德里:在印度妇女中,癌症病例和死亡率都在迅速增加,主要原因是意识较低、检测较晚。新数据显示,在和美国之后,印度女性患癌症的比例位居第三,为4.5 - 5%。
According to a report 'Call for Action: Expanding cancer care for women in India, 2017', cancer among women in India is estimated at 0.7 million. However, the real incidence is much more -- between 1 and 1.4 million per year as many cases go undiagnosed or unreported.
Ash Sac-9 hours ago
3rd highest cancer cases is obvious,when India has the 2nd highest population.第三大癌症病例很明显,因为印度是第二人口大国。
Aam Aadmi-??-???-13 hours ago
India has also highest number of rape cases.印度的强奸案也最多。
PremAnand aka Ed Drw-9 hours ago
Women hygiene and staying off new habits such as alcohol, smoke, processed food and keep this menace away. Indian Satvic foods with moderate spices and herbs can check and prevent Cancer.女性要保持卫生,远离类似饮酒、抽烟、吃加工产品的习惯,远离这些威胁。含有适量香料和草药的印度Satvic食品可以检查和预防癌症。
Adithya-12 hours ago
let the govt and public focus on preventing the cancer. create awareness on cause of disease. I think allopathy medicine doesn't give 100% guarantee of curing cancer让政府和政府关注预防癌症,创建引起疾病原因意识。我认为,所有的疗法都不能100%保证治愈癌症
sureshachar-Bangalore-9 hours ago
It''s clear that smoking doesn''t cause cancer:)很明显吸烟并不会致癌。
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