

India will never change because Indians will never change


I drove yesterday after almost a month. I'd stopped driving because it was just too much of a pain in the ass
Stopped for a red light near Chatarpur in Delhi. Every other car, meanwhile, just ignored the red light like it didnt even exst



Some people slowed down, stopped for a few seconds, then broke the red light because their 10 seconds are just too goddamn precious
This was on a major road, at 9pm, and the red light itself was just 45 seconds
But nope. No one will stop for 45 seconds


This has been my driving experience in multiple cities, on multiple roads. Traffic rules are seen as suggestions, not rules. Red lights are blatantly ignored. Driving on the wrong side to save 5 seconds is encouraged.
These same fucks will then go home and complain about India's traffic



No amount of propaganda or education seems to affect them. Swacch Bharat is something every urban Indian has heard of. The propaganda is everywhere. Heck, it is even in our food bills as cess

没有多少宣传或教育能影响他们。Swacch Bharat(清洁印度使团)是每个印度城市都听过的,宣传无处不在,甚至在我们的食品账单里。

Yet there has been no change in our filthiness level. People who happily call themselves Modi bhakts will throw trash under Swacch Bharat banners with his face on them

然而我们的肮脏程度并没有什么改变,那些自称莫迪信徒的人也会把垃圾扔在有莫迪脸的Swacch Bharat横幅之下。

We keep on complaining that India will never change. But India is composed of Indians and unless Indians change, India wont change


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/43585.html


[–]_2_4_8Madness is a Choice 147 points 21 hours ago
10, 9,... vroom.. gone, ain't nobody got time for green.

Ever heard of German or Japanese Engineering? Why their products are so highly sophisticated, well finished, and durable? Why so practical? It's the people that make it happen, not their steel, nor the aluminium. They take pride in what they make and how they make. When I operate a Tata Hitachi Excavator, it's the Tata part that makes me worry. When I run a Bosch angle grinder, it's the cheapo Indian blades that make me worry.

Point is, a country is more than just a land mass with its indigenous people. The people in it will the nation, their dedication is what forms the backbone of the country. One can simply fling poop on politicians and say they are corrupt, this and that, but reality is that politicians are just elected ambassadors that portray the masses.

We don't thrive for betterment of the country or our society, we as Indians are selfish, hypothetical beings only thinking short term.






[–]h788 107 107 points 20 hours ago
They take pride in their work, we take pride in our caste.



[–]notunhinged 6 points 16 hours ago
I think people love money more than anything now. People will tell you anything to get the cash then not deliver what they promised.



[–]Fluttershy_qtest 42 points 19 hours ago
India has an honor based society where pride of the tribe is more important than what is right or wrong. Tribe can mean nationality, language, religion or region.
That's why India still has honor killings. In a civilized society that would make zero sense.

印度是一个以荣誉为基础的社会,族群的荣誉比是非对错更重要。“Tribe ”可以指民族、语言、宗教或地区。



[–]parlor_tricks 11 points 16 hours ago
Its also a bit of a pointless comment.
Japanese goods were considered to be inferior, until making enough of it got them the expertise to make good stuff.
Today has that position.



[–]_dexterGujarat 5 points 15 hours ago
Today has that position.
I don't think so.



[–]Transnicky 3 points 14 hours ago
They are reaching that point faster than you think. I constantly see people from USA say how they outsource shit to now because they're now both reliable and cheap (from glass works to Micro chips). They still have a long way to go but they're on the path to achieve it.



[–]_2_4_8Madness is a Choice 15 points 15 hours ago
After the aftermath of WWII, Germany was two, one suffered at the hands of the Soviets and other at the hands of Americans. Yet, Germany today stands as one of the most powerful and wealthy countries in Europe. Japan suffered even more after WWII with two nukes and an American occupation, any and all forms of pride were devastated as well. Yet, they stand today as one of the most powerful and rich countries in that region. Yes, Japan was bad at first when they tried making goods, but they exceeded because they wanted to. They had the urge, the necessity to excel at what it is they do no matter how arduous the climb. People make a country not lines on a map.
There are some products made by that is horrific to say the least. Chief among them is their steel, the ones found in knives, scissors, and other sharp objects. They'll mark it as CrV steel but it neither has the edge retention or strength. But you see that falls in line with your point, is still trying, they are still improving, and they already are sending out world class products. Chances are you're reading this on a device. But what about us?




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