Aswin Ottapilavil, Indian
Answered Nov 23, 2016I guess your teacher is giving you wrong facts. I don’t think India is better than China in any major field let alone many of them.
India is a fast develo country and have made strides in many fields recently but we are still far behind China. The fact that China is ahead of us and is much more advanced than India right now is a simple fact anybody can see just by looking the difference is quality of life between these two countries.
Its possible that we might be able to catch up with China some time in the future but it would take like another 10–15 more years for India to at least reach the place where China is right now. I can understand the sentiment that people wanna show that India is better than one of it major rival China but as of now there is a huge difference between China and India in many crucial fields and its a fact.
Hope its helpful :)
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