

Why does India lag behind in technology?




Carl Elliott
Answered Jun 11, 2015
Indian people are extremely clever and are prepared to study, but the emphasis is always on money. I've never met so many people who are so focused on money.
If the focus was curiosity and creativity, then India has the brains to make huge advancements.
During travels around India, many people tell me about Indian religion and culture and food etc, but they never ask me about my life at home. If I offer a different view on culture based on my way o life at home, I am told that the Indian way is better. I think people could open their minds a little, ask more questions about the world outside of what they know,question they have been told all of their lives and they may find ways to push forwards.
271.1k Views · 14,621 Upvotes




Mira Zaslove, American, who has been to Delhi 8 times as a kid
Updated Jun 20, 2015
The biggest impediment to innovation and technological creation in India is largely political and cultural. India still struggles with corruption, bureaucracy, inequality, poverty, and lack of infrastructure. But considering that India just gained independence within the last 67 years, things have already come a long way. India's economy is growing. If India is able to continue to improve her political, economic, and cultural environment, I believe she will be able to leverage her knowledge and people to really take off.


From an American's perspective:
I work in an engineering group at a Fortune 50 Silicon Valley tech firm. The Director, VP, and GM of the IT department are all Indian. Most of their spouses, are also Indians in technology. Indian consultants from WiPro, Infosys, Tata Consulting, and other contracting groups have replaced full time local employees.
Walk into any IT department of almost any major tech firm, and you will see more Indians than any other immigrant population. You will often find more Indians than Americas. Indians have conquered Silicon Valley.




So, if you ask me: Indians ARE creating technology. The CEO of Microsoft (Satya Nadella), the co-founder of Sun Microsystems and one of the most successful VCs (Vinod Khosla) are Indian. Rajen Sheth, the founder of Google Apps, is Indian.
Yes, it is true that many of these individuals are Americans with Indian heritage. However, a large majority of them are also immigrants. I think it is meaningful, because I do not see this type of technological dominance with other ethnic groups.

所以,如果你问我:印度正创造技术吗,微软CEO,太阳微系统的联合创始人,最成功的风险投资人之一 (Vinod Khosla) ,这些都是印度人。谷歌应用创始人Rajen Sheth也是印度人。


Indians are also begng to leverage their success abroad and are bringing it back to India. According to Jaideep Prabhu, a professor at Cambridge Judge Business School, “The term brain drain is misleading because really we are in an era of brain circulation.”
Prabhu argues that the Surprising Secret of India’s Success Could Be its Brain Drain. He studied 116 Indian companies, and found:
“Leaders who had studied and worked abroad had a competitive advantage. This international edge helped them expand rapidly in developed markets, despite a lack of experience peddling their products and services in the West.”

印度人也开始在国外取得成功,并将成功带回印度。根据剑桥大学商学院教授Jaideep Prabhu的说法,“人才流失是个误导,因为我们在一个智力循环的时代。”



As the new generation graduating from IITs and IIMs, continue to innovate and work in India, we will see more and more technology and companies created in India. It's already begng to happen.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) also has had a record of launching highly successful and technologically advanced missions.
Yet, it will not be easy, and the political task is enormous. Comparing India to Germany, Japan, and the United States is difficult. Germany has a population of around 80 Million, Japan around 130 Million, the US around 318 Million. And India has 1.25 Billion.




has a larger population than India, and Singapore is a newer state. However, both of these countries are ruled by largely auth rian governments.
India is not only highly populated, there is tremendous diversity in India. Indians speak different languages, come from different castes, and have different religions. And the country is a de ocracy.
If economic and political reform succeeds, and India is able to create an inclusive and pro-business environment, we will see India truly tap its technological and entrepreneurial potential.
160.6k Views · 3,218 Upvotes




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