Ravie Gupta
Ravie - Chandigarh - 26 days agogood move
Reply 3 0 Flag干得好
Now - Hyd - 26 days agoIf they want to phase out Diesel engines, then why did they sign a deal with GE to manufacture more than 1000 diesel locos recently ?
Reply 2 0 Flag既然要淘汰柴油机车,为什么又要和通用电气签署协议,制造1000多个柴油机车?
Prateek Sahu
Prateek - Others - 26 days agoModiji...
Reply 2 1 Flag莫迪姬
Srikumar Hariharan
Srikumar - Location - 26 days agoGiven that most of India's tracks are not electrified and that it would be prohibitively expensive to electrify long distance tracks, this guy is babbling nonsense. Even in the US almost all trains use diesel locomotives. I think this 1d10t minister doesn't know the difference between a diesel, diesel electric locomotive and a electric locomotive. In a diesel the diesel engine drives the wheels, in a diesel electric the diesel engine drives a generator that drives the electric motors that drive the wheels, in an electric train, the overhead lines supply the power to the electric motors that drive the wheels. I think the 1d10t minister meant to say Indian Railways is switching from Diesel to Diesel Electric. Typical of the m0r0ns employed by Modi this is the level of knowledge he has.
Reply 1 3 Flag考虑到印度铁路大多数并未电气化,而长途线路电气化非常贵。
Ashok Kumar
Ashok - 26 days agoIf all Diesels locomotives are replaced with electric locos and a war breaks out with enemy countries who destroy electricity grids, power plants and lines, how the ministry propose to ferry soldiers and ammunition to wanton sectors of war when electric locos stand grounded.
Ravindra Munvar - Bangalore - 26 days ago
Good move, but lets hope they do it with clean energy - electricity generated from solar or wind power.
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