'Padmaavat' release: No show in 4 big states; smooth sailing in South, Maharashtra, West Bengal
Padmaavat faces a total blackout on the day of its scheduled release on Thursday in at least four big states — Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Bihar — with cinema and multiplex owners firm against screening the movie. In Uttar Pradesh, another big territory for Hindi films, cinema owners are in a dilemma.
据印度新德里电视台消息,《帕德玛瓦特》 解禁后将于1月25日上映,多个印度教激进团体周二(23日)晚起在印度哈雅纳邦、古吉拉特邦、拉贾斯坦邦及北方邦进行暴力抗争,焚烧车辆。
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/44151.html
Manjari Varshney-1 day ago
Saw the movie last night..its all about Rajput Glory and Rajput Bravery..Khilji has been shown as barbaric ruler..Still wondering why people are protesting..昨晚我看了这部电影,电影讲述的是Rajput的荣誉和勇敢,Khilji也是野蛮统治者。搞不懂人们抗议什么。
A Concerned Concerned-1 day ago
Roads in Maharashtra, mall in Ahmedabad, school bus in Haryana. See the pattern? This is not a protest against a movie. This is full scale politically motivated violent mutiny against the state. Diabolical and sickening.马哈拉施特拉邦的马路,艾哈迈达巴德的商场,哈里亚纳邦的校车。
Gunnasilan Rengasamy-1 day ago
It is rather intriguing that these things only happens in BJP controlled states. This begs an answer to the question, who are the actual planners behind this?有趣的是这些都发生在人民党控制的邦里,这就引出了问题的答案:谁在幕后策划?
Pritam-1 day ago
Let Bhansali pay for all the losses due to riots,Why Bhansali makes controversial movies and makes its publicity but his calculations went badly wrong this time.Or just don't release movie in interest of the country.让Bhansali赔偿暴动损失,为什么Bhansali会制作宣传有争议的电影,这次他算错了。别上映电影了,为了国家的利益。
Sunder-1 day ago
South Indians are more matured and cultured. They don't behave like Bihari's, Rajasthan n UP guys. Biharis, UP guys are fit only for doing menial jobs in south India. South Indians are well educated, there is no gender discrimination in south India.南印度人更有道德文化,他们不像比哈邦、拉贾斯坦邦的人。后者只适合在南印度做低贱的工作。
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 印度4个邦发生暴力示威车辆被烧,只因这一部电影《帕德玛瓦特》