Condom use among unmarried women rises 6-fold in a decade
A larger number of unmarried, sexually active women are now opting for safe sex. The National Family Health Survey 2015-16, conducted by the health ministry, found that the use of condoms had gone up in 10 years from 2% to 12% among sexually active unmarried women aged 15 to 49 years.
The maxmum use of condoms among unmarried women was seen in the 20-24 years age group. The survey also found that three out of eight men believed contraception was "women's business", and that the man should not have to worry about it.
The overall contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) was just 54% among married women aged 15 to 49, with only 10% using a modern contraceptive method.
Among unmarried, sexually active women, though, the prevalence of modern contraceptive methods was much higher, the survey found. A fairly large number were opting for female sterilisation as well, especially in the 25-49 years age group.
The fact that the number of unmarried women using contraception has gone up is especially heartening in the face of other statistics thrown up by the NFHS-4 survey, such as 20% of the men interviewed believing that a woman who used contraception may become promiscuous.
Gstmd Kc-5 hours ago
Bhakts will give credit for this to their Supreme Leader.印度人会把这个归功于他们的最高领导人。
Suresh Babu-Delhi-3 hours ago
Women becoming Whores女人正成为荡妇。
Ravindra-Mumbai-3 hours ago
Population control methods has to be more publicised. Very important for wellbeing of nation. Population explosion will lead to miserable life of citizens.人口控制方法应该更公众化,这对国民幸福很重要。人口爆炸会导致公民生活悲惨。
pseudo sicular-mumbai-2 hours ago
Finally india becoming wild like the wetern animals that destriyed their society.....welcome to the world of broken families and hreatbreaks最终印度会变成荒野,像西方动物那样破坏自己的社会。欢迎来到家庭破碎和心碎的世界。
Dalit Panther-3 hours ago
If Feku''s dad had used this, India would not have suffered so much.如果莫迪老仙的老爸用过这个,印度就不会那么痛苦了。
Santu-1 hour ago
Good for a country like INDIA, population growth will come under control.
Condom use must be encouraged by ALL.对印度这样的国家有利,印度人口增长会得到控制。
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