BENGALURU: As much as Rs 11,302 crore belonging to over three crore account holders is lying unclaimed with 64 banks, data from the Reserve Bank of India has revealed.
The largest amount — Rs 1,262 crore — is lying with the State Bank of India, Rs 1,250 crore with PNB, while all other nationalised banks together hold Rs 7,040 crore. All this money, however, is just a fraction of the total deposits of over Rs 100 lakh crore handled by banks in India.
Former RBI chair professor at IIM-B Charan Singh says: “Most of these deposits would be cases of deceased account holders, or people with multiple bank accounts. It is unlikely that too much of it, or may be any of it, is benami or unaccounted money.” Section 26 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, mandates that banks submit a return of all accounts in India which have not been operated for 10 years to the RBI within 30 days after the close of each calendar year.
But Section 26A says that it does not prevent a depositor or claimant from claiming the deposit or operating the account after the expiry of the period of 10 years and the banking company is liable to repay amount.
Money lying in dormant bank accounts is parked in the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund, which has been created under the provisions of the Banking Laws (Amendment) Act, 2012.
Among the private banks, RBI says that seven — Axs, DCB, HDFC, ICICI, IndusInd, Kotak Mahindra and YES Bank — have a total of Rs 824 crore in unclaimed deposits. Twelve other private banks together have Rs 592 crore, taking the total such money with private banks to Rs 1,416 crore.
央行表示,7家私人银行DCB,HDFC,ICICI、IndusInd、Kotak Mahindraz计有82.4亿卢比的存款无人认领。另外12家私人银行一共有59.2亿卢比,所有私人银行总的无主存款共计141.6亿卢比。
Of all the private banks, ICICI Bank with Rs 476 crore and Kotak Mahindra Bank with Rs 151 crore have the highest unclaimed deposits. Comparatively, 25 foreign banks, whose operations are much smaller in size, account for Rs 332 crore in unclaimed deposits, with HSBC alone accounting for Rs 105 crore.
在所有私人银行中,ICICI银行有47.6亿卢比,Kotak Mahindra银行有15.1亿卢比,是私人银行中金额最高的。相较之下,25家规模小得多的外资银行中,有33.2亿卢比的无主存款,其中汇丰银行就占了10.5亿卢比。
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/44405.html
Truth GodSe
Truth GodSe-for Bharat n Bharat only .. Nothing Less-1 hour ago
How can I find out if it was deposited by my forefathers ?
Common Man
Common Man-India-7 hours ago
Future nirav modi will take care of it.
Vasant Maheshwary
Vasant Maheshwary-5 hours ago
this money is not for fraudsters who looted under nose of higher ups ?
Bhakt-US-5 hours ago
Yea distribute equally among all peoples.
Vasant Maheshwary
Vasant Maheshwary-5 hours ago
why not return the money to account holders.
Bharath Reddy
Bharath Reddy-6 hours ago
According to Jaitleys economics
This money should go to BJP party fund.这笔钱应该作为印度人民党的经费。
Prashant Nimje
Prashant-Mumbai-6 hours ago
this fund's the pnb nirav modi scam
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 印度央行数据显示64家银行中有1130亿卢比无人认领,印网友:大家平均分吧