Cao Cao died in 220 AD in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Han dynasty, and was posthumously named Emperor of the Wei state that he founded. Pictured are bronze sculptures of miniature soldiers, produced during the Eastern Han Dynasty
According to Mr Ligang the identities of two ladies found in the tomb remained mysterious. A new museum is now planned at the site
Among the relics found were stone paintings featuring the social life of Cao's time, stone tablets bearing inscriptions of sacrificial objects, and Cao's personal belongings.
According to Mr Ligang the identities of two ladies found in the tomb remained mysterious.
History records that Cao Cao was buried with his wife, who died aged between 70 and 80, but the two corpses are of one woman in her fifties and one in her twenties.
Mr Ligang said it was hoped it would receive its first visitors in around three years.
Characters based on Cao are depicted as shrewd and unscrupulous villains in traditional Chinese operas and in one of China's best-loved historical novels, 'Romance Of The Three Kingdoms'.
In the fictionalised account, Cao says: 'Better for me to wrong the world than for the world to wrong me.'
The common saying in Chinese 'speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives' is the equivalent of the English expression 'speak of the devil'
A stone tablet carrying the inscription 'King Wu of Wei' found in the tomb
James Wash, L.A., United States, about 8 hours ago
For those who care to know, Cao Cao is pronounced 'chow-chow'.
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